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Royal Navy


  • Renown Triples

    07. 27. 2009 09:26

I know that the Renown used to be able to fit the 15" guns that were converted to
Furious guns (For some reason). Looking through the patch notes has given me a heck
of a headache-- so are there any trips that'll fit on the Renown?

  • Re : Renown Triples

    07. 28. 2009 01:31

i didnt take the renown, but mount the 15" Mark 3 guns if you guns, great range and
firepower. i use them on my QE and they give great spread (not blockshot, which would be a
pain at the range QE plays at, but the spread is tight and predictable, the best kind of
spread :D). I use level 77 gunners though, elite and boosted (not 50 vets only sadly and
300 experts, 200 rookies) i usually get great damage per game with these guns (i can land
20k salvos quite often on the larger BBs).

EDIT: i know you were asking for trips, but i dont think they can mount them, and these
are the best Duals i know the renown MIGHT be able to mount. only like 31 gunspace
difference between the QE and the renown. sorry if you cant fit the guns

  • Re : Renown Triples

    07. 27. 2009 09:30

I thought as much. I really kind of liked the extra couple of barrels, though. Thanks.

  • Re : Renown Triples

    07. 27. 2009 09:28

Nope. (not over 8" anyway. =) Renown is duals only now.