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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 11:48

Hi all I am normally a CV driver and began dabling in BBs for a break from CV6 grind.
I fell in love with my Ise remodel and B65 bath toy. But I noticed that the Naga has a
totally diffrent style from both these ships. Any suggestions on the use and
outfitting of a Naga?

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 19:45

Prior to the CV/Airplane nerfs, the lvl 45 and 65 has relatively the same sight range.
Now the 45 still has a decent amount of sight, same fuel time only slightly lower
speed. There's nearly no reason speed should be a factor so if you really want to
be limited to 3 scouts so be it. As for the fuso your top speed in a fuso is severely
limited (unless of course you use 14" guns then what's the point) making dodging
harder, your range is also lower than a Nagato. And bulge is always only meant for
a space filler, who actually stacks tons and tons of bulge if they're trying to maintain
speed? If you want fully armoured, Nagato will offer more without having to ditch
multipler turrets.

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 16:40

I can load an amazing mass of like 20 bulge on my Nagato, before it drops to 24 base.
That's hardly worth it.
And 5 Scouts only if you are willing to use the lowlvl ones. With the highest ones you're
stuck with just 3.

All in all I like Fuso roughly 100 times better in a GB enviroment,

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 16:09

Be prepared to yell at CVs a lot for not killing that scout...

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 15:05

Nagato's hardly the same tactics as the Ise/Fuso. With an ise/fuso you wait for an
opening, get into range and you've pretty much instantly won in a 1v1 (or 5v1 if
you're really good) once you're in range. With a Nagato your chance of winning
drops quite a bit, but on the up side you've got Ls instead of Ds which significantly
boosts your range. While with the B65 you can generally blind your opponents to
death, not so much with a Nagato. Just keep outta range and you might just live
through battle.

Plus side of Nagato is you get 23k dp a rise from 18.2/18.8 or the 21.1, plus the ship
can go 42 knts overheat pretty easily. Plus it's decently manueverable at that
speed, or if you'd preffer you can bulge the crap outta it. Plus it carries 5 scouts.
Downside: firepower and no AA.

Recommended: 5 ngs, scout, 2 repairs on ship
(Though in practice any amount of ngs/reps and a scout will work.)
Armour: Enough bulge till right before you drop to 24knts base
(Though if you really want fully loaded you can fit about 255 bulge if you really want

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 13:02

Ive had great sucess in bb123 games by waiting for a bb to rush me just into my rain , and
fireing just b4 they get in range so they run into my shells. Good engs are vital so you
get good O/H Dont worry if your spreads not great , this will be the same unless your
gunners are very high level

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 12:22

What is the best way to achieve this for load out? sailors, armament, armor?

  • Re : Tactics and Tips on Nagato

    11. 17. 2008 12:14

Naggy is the same in and out use your speed to strike as the ISE/FUSO.

The Nagato is the master of skirting bb4/5 range dipping in quickly to deliver a striek at
max and and get back out before the enemy can return fire.

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