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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • support set for super yamato

    07. 15. 2009 07:32

Just asking what supports i should have on a super yamato.. building a crew to lvl
up and i just want to know what i need to have

  • Re : support set for super yamato

    07. 15. 2009 10:58

I'd go 6/2, scout, 2 AA, 2 gunner.

But that's just me. I find that the longer I OH, the longer I can make attack runs.

For SY, 5/2, same other slots as above.

  • Re : support set for super yamato

    07. 15. 2009 10:41

Unless you have uber repairers (and I mean extremely vetted), don't get a second scout for

The safest setup for SY is:

1 BO
2 Gunners
2 DP gunners classed after lvl80
3 Repairers
4 Engineers
1 Scout

As for Amagi, you can either add a repairer, an engineer, or scout. From my experience
with Amagi, one more repairer does a lot of good in GBs--guaranteed--while depending on
your preference (whether you want to OH at 39 longer or repair faster), you can choose to
have an additional repairer or engineer. The 2 scout setup for Amagi is really only good
during BB 1v1s when you want zero downtime between scouts.

Personally, I'd choose a 4/4 Repairer/Engineer setup for Amagi, but that's just me.


Don't ever bother with seaman, restorer, or medic. Waste of space.

  • Re : support set for super yamato

    07. 15. 2009 09:40

Or a 2nd scout.

  • Re : support set for super yamato

    07. 15. 2009 09:22

as he said.

also you might want to think of another engy for Amagi (5 engy 3 rep 2 AA 1 scout)

  • Re : support set for super yamato

    07. 15. 2009 08:49

5 Ng, 2 rep, 1 scout, 2 dp, 2 gunner.
4 Ng, 3 rep, 1 scout, 2 dp, 2 gunner.

You'll need an additional crewmen for the Amagi.