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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • ISE vs Fuso

    08. 27. 2009 20:49

Hey guys, can anyone give me a hand?

Im trying to decide in which of these bb's should I decide.
Can anyone help me by telling me their differences??


  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 28. 2009 09:26

Not entirely equal in all aspects. The Fuso does have a bit more DP and carry a bit
more displacement. You can also put a bit more weight before you'll notice a dp
drop but overall that should be negligible. The armour stats for the two are slightly
different though I wouldn't really surmise that you'd be able to armour it to any
effective degree. Ise is slightly lower leveled, and also remodels. Spread on the Ise
also seems to be a bit nicer, though that might just be me.

It would also seem that since the Fuso's stock engine carries less horsepower than
the Ise, it would be able to run the engine of legend better than the Ise, though I
haven't really run the engine of legend on the Fuso yet.

edit: While the engine of legend does actually maintain the speed at lower weights,
fully loaded it's still the same as the Ise, plus if you're not going to use the weight,
why use the legend in the first place.

  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 28. 2009 09:23

Personally i feel Fuso did far better than my Ise.
besides, Fuso has better looks:D

  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 28. 2009 06:33

Don't know if this would be an option for you or not but I got the Fuso with my BB BO
and since I had the pilots I got the Ise with my first Kita BO.

If you don't plan on getting the Ise CV you might as well go Fuso.

The Ise looks much cooler though ;)

  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 28. 2009 05:36

Dont forget that the ISE is easier to hit the speed cap in..also im not sure because i
dont have one myself, but isnt the ise slightly faster than the fuso as well? the 2/4
gun split makes attacking hard in an ise, but running is easier. The fuso on the
other hand is a rape machine in the right hands, easily capable of breaking the 250k
attack mark in GB (ive done it with a lvl 73 crew, got 276k att). Where most people
go wrong with the fuso is using the 16.1 Ds...while these guns have fantastic
firepower, they have bb1 gun range (and LOW bb1 gun range at that), so even at
level bb2s with half a brain will rape you constantly.

Go fuso, use the 14Ls. I'm up to yamato now and still feel the fuso is the best IJN
bb ive driven.

  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 28. 2009 03:17

its like this, they are both equally in all aspects, except in one: gun position. In this
aspect, fuso wins, because they are more evenly positioned, ie you can land your shots in
a tight position; i ise you cant do that as much as with fuso.

In the other hand, Ise gets an advantage at running, because he has 4 aft turrets, but
lets be honest, 3 or 4 shots in a BB2 you die, most of the time you dont have time to run.

  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 28. 2009 00:32

It's also mentioned in the FAQ sticky

Short version: if you don't know, Fuso. The advantages of the Ise are related to a
certain kind of
running playstyle and messing around with the CV remodel.

  • Re : ISE vs Fuso

    08. 27. 2009 22:42

There's a sticky up at the top that says 'Mr. Boom BB Guide'.

As this is a fairly common question, please also try search please.

if u r too lazy, fuso.