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  • Firing T+R

    10. 26. 2005 03:00

Just a quick question - Is there some way to fire your guns (R) and your Middle Slots
(T) at the same time? So that pressing fire, fires everything??

  • Re : Firing T+R

    10. 26. 2005 06:16

Solve is easy Half auto system... Dony gun direction controlled by player. Range like
a auto system... This system will more fun for palyers.... But this is only my dream lol

  • Re : Firing T+R

    10. 26. 2005 05:42

There is a way BUT can only be use'ed with Programabel Joystick and Mice.
Command is ( Spacebar T Spacebar R) i found that if you set it to 0.05 seconds will
do it.
This use to work on the Sidewinder Strategic Commander BUT i have not used it
sines my one died 6 months ago.

and there is no point to useing the 2 at the same time as the main guns and smal
guns fire at diferant angles and speed and is not wirth the trubble to try and set up.

  • Re : Firing T+R

    10. 26. 2005 03:19

I think is not posible, but try push r and space, push t and space and repeat.