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  • Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 27. 2005 13:49

Can I get some opinions on this issue ? Still not sure for which sailors stats I should
go for my support men now that I have switched to Brit.

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 30. 2005 18:32

The damn patch has changed everything, probably also my desire to go through the
grind again.

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 30. 2005 15:32

i am so glad i chose 12/10 and 10/12 for my repair/restore instead of 2 11/11

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 30. 2005 10:04

FLASH: after patch 1.99, go for 12 in the main stat, as the other stat has become
irrelevant. You only get restore OR repair from each sailor now (depending on their job).

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 29. 2005 18:56

Im not really convinced about the crew issue basically you guys are saying
that a 12/8 (rep/res) Repairman would still benefit me more than a 11/11
Repairman ?

Considering Airwind, he probably has some uber restorer with 200 vets or so, I
better go the 2 restorers line to get my soft def up.

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 29. 2005 10:58

Nice crew hammerstein. However, I spoke to airwind in game and he said that brits need
only 1 restorer, 4-5repairer, and 2-3 engineers for support slots in bb. And yes word for
word air said only 1 restorer!

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 29. 2005 02:20

Engine stat only matters for Engineers

Thus what I would use to start off with . . .
12/10 Repair
10/12 Rest
10/10/12 Engee

And 12/10 RLD gunners is best for main gunners for Brit.

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 29. 2005 00:28

Scary crew...

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 29. 2005 00:14

Finished recruiting my new Brits today after spending almost 2 nights rolling and
trading sailors, heres what I got (planning to rotate these guys so I have a full
crew available once I get to the 12 slot BBs).

BO: 15 Pot
Gunners: 2x12/10
Restoremen (rep/res/eng): 10/12/9, 9/12/10
Repairmen (rep/res/eng): 12/9/11, 12/11/10, 12/8/8
Engineer (rep/res/eng): 9/10/12
Scout: 12air

Everyone with at least +12Pot, also got a second set of 12/10Gunners in reserve,
might make them Reloaders and use in the AA slots.

2x level 45 AA Gunners from a friend, average stats, he cant remember, probably 10-

It took me a lot of time to roll/trade these, I hope these guys dont fail me.

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 28. 2005 04:11

imho, for support, if you have the chance to go for 12/12 or 12/11 or 11/12, your in a
better position.

there is a thread posted by smedd, its very helpfull when you want to know further
about soft defense....

and UK btw, have the best rep/res skillset, as far as i know...

  • Re : Which is better for support 11/11(rep/res) or 12 in main stat

    11. 28. 2005 04:02

12 stat

There are hidden multipliers (HM) for repair/restore.
The actual effectivness of repair is repair-ability * HM
I think HM changes with each promotion, 2nd repair, 1st rep, Chf rep, but mods tell
me they are constant. Noone knows their values however.

if we assume a value of 1.2 and 0.8 then

a 12/10 repair + 10/12 restore have a
repair/restore usefullness of 12*1.2 + 10*0.8 = 22.4

two 11/11 guys usefullness = 11*(1.2+0.8) = 22

12/9 + 9/12, usefullness = 12*1.2 +9*0.8 = 21.6

so 11/11 is half way between 12/10 and 12/9

If the HM is bigger then the 12 stat becomes more important.

The HM for gunners is small, perhaps 0.2 so a high support stat on a gunner makes
very little difference.

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