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U.S Navy


  • Need advice on how to aim my aa guns.

    10. 22. 2005 12:59

I am having problems in using my aa guns. I need some one to explain the red/green line system to me. I have read the manual. All that i got from that is something about the planes altititude. I have tried experimenting but all i have achieved is very high shots or shells splashing into the sea. Thank you for taking the trouble to read my post, even if you are unable to help.

  • Re : Need advice on how to aim my aa guns.

    10. 22. 2005 13:50

The red/green lines are neat, but not very useful. The most important thing to know about AA is the "golden angle" for the gun that you are using. This angle will hit most planes that are within range of your guns but not too close to your ship. The red lines can potentially help you hit planes that are either flying very low (torp bombers) or are very close to you. You need to line the green lines up with the shadow of the planes, and then try and put the red lines either on top or above the plane that you are shooting at. The only thing to do is practice till you start getting the feel for it.