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  • In the finest Traditions...

    10. 20. 2005 02:10

Let the first thread in the KM forums be one where we ask for BUFFS!!

Carry on.

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 13:10

you know, theres been a lot of double post now that the forum have changed...

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 09:33

Germans really need a 2nd CL2 after the M Pro at level 40 or so. It could have better AAW and another flak cannon, as the M Pro is already a large bomber target. Or an earlier CA would be good, like the Hipper but a bit less powerful.

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 09:33

Germans really need a 2nd CL2 after the M Pro at level 40 or so. It could have better AAW and another flak cannon, as the M Pro is already a large bomber target. Or an earlier CA would be good, like the Hipper but a bit less powerful.

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 09:03

Not for all guns.

However, 14.96" definately need more range.

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 08:57

You people talk too much...
can we just say that KM needs just less spread and it's fine?

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 03:01

Obst, you really don't see the problem with a Moderator making posts to buff the nation he plays?

Nope, nothing wrong here. I also support other nations who want their
underpowered guns buffed.

In addition, you have to differ between "buffing everything" and "buffing certain
aspects". While "buffing everything" is hardly ever good, the second type of buffing
is needed when certain aspects are totally unbalanced.

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 23. 2005 01:12

u guys are nubs. german cl and ca are fine.(as ships)

germans need:
more range to 6.75' and 14.96
less spread
better fcs (most range? let us see the shells land please)

armor is fine, imo.

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 22. 2005 08:18

armor should be lighter!km should have the finest armor of all. mother of all

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 22. 2005 04:17

actually, due to me thinking the retail is gonna be too expensive to bother with, i've more or less abandoned my account and am playing several peoples' accounts, so yes, i HAVE tried every RN/KM DD/CL/CA, except edin and hipper (yes on prinz). also have played japanese DD/CL/CA/CV.

i see the power of RN ships not from getting owned (pssssh i have a pretty pwnage win rate/damage each game, with brit ships averaging much higher much more easily), but by the amount of effort that goes into getting battle damage with each ship, as well as how hard it is to kill those specific ships.

in a K, i've never had problems with brooks, they are food to me, but armored sirius/edin give me trouble in both K and M. in a duel, it takes about 5 minutes of running away with repeated overheat, while firing with back guns, to discourage a sirius. siriuses are quite fast, btw, and for the most part spell death to any german ship in range. edins are another matter, takes perhaps 0.5-2 minutes of running before they are discouraged/outrun and i can range them. the 8inch edins more or less match km 6.75s L, with more armor, so those are tough, but the 6inch ones will never kill me...i just can't damage them much either if they're armored. having 3 turrets on the front is pretty f'ing cheap, too, since a volley from those 3 turrets is already hurting like a broadside from another ship.

in the sirius, it's pretty f'ing easy to get damage from ANYONE AND EVERYONE, and there are no ships i really "fear," although i would say mogami is most dangerous. the only weakness is rushing a full line of 5-6+ ships, which just doesn't work. however, if you wait for 2-3 ships to die on each side, there IS NO LINE to be scared of, so charge in and eat the food. i can still EASILY get 20k+ attack in sirius quickly cleaning up 2-3 ships, since RN just does so much damage. i do not fear mpros, they are pretty easy to chase fact i find other siriuses the most annoying, damaging, and slowest to die.

hint hint, 4v4 to 6v6 is great for brits, 8v8 or 10v10 or is where things start to suck and you have to wait for both sides to die down. but what's more common, and more importantly, what gets exp faster with less waiting? smaller games. incidentally, bigger games are better exp when in a german ship...but much slower exp/level gain. being part of the line, hence getting to fire without being hit back as much, is good for germans.

yes, the two nations do have different play styles, but when using each nations advantage to its most, brit CL's do much more damage/get much more kills much easier. so, in a pvp game, it is unbalanced. if KM could do such high damages every game when at range, it would be balanced...but no, brits are too buff, even with the range disadvantage that the sirius/edin has (county's do not seem bad). i shudder to think about playing against RP12's, same high damage blessed with uber range.

btw, the Q does still needs a nerf, specifically the single 6inch should do less damage (holy crap it's so easy to slaughter dd's with them, and so accurate at low levels too), and to prevent crew whores from becoming invincible, the armor rate should be nerfed. not the available displacement, as 8 crews get heavy, but less armor per displacement would prevent whores from getting 9inches of belt. q's don't need armor due to size/range anyway, i just max crews and cut down to 0.6", 0.3"...they still have huge damage output/accuracy.

so yes, i am not spouting unbacked hearsay. and yes, brits are still overpowered, and the worst problem for KM is the naturally horrible dispersion on all their guns that i have seen so far.

but what was the point of my above post? ah yes, dispelling maniacDC's silly fantasy. brit grind is easy because they work best in small, fast games, and easily do massive damage. also, the actual number of levels between ships is quite a bit SMALLER than KM, like, by a lot, as shown above. so yea, brit "grind" is laughable imho, especially pre-CA. complaints about their CL's are just funny. i keep thinking that those who complain of the brit grind and are NOT high level must join All Welcomes and charge in the beginning, dying to torps and higher classed ships while crying that their range does not reach the enemy. at high level, perhaps everything's a grind, but large advantages in a pvp game make grinds much less to complain about.

uk's easier/faster/higher damage + smaller level grinds make for pretty easy "grinds," and quick levelling. in contrast, low-damage-output KM takes a pretty f'ing long time to level, as nerfed makes for slower damage accumulation, pushes each game to last longer, and hey, those weak ships are really far apart. yes, KM needs a boost and RN needs a nerf, with japanese appearing in the middle, and i have no info on usa.

mogami is pretty buff too, but their bb+ are reputedly horrid and the agano is nearly german K-like (although imho the agano is much better than the K, higher damage per shell/less dispersion/more range until KMlvl39). brits are just overpowered most the way through, if not all the way through.

lastly, i feel obst is doing little to no harm, because KM actually DOES need a moderately large buff. if he was claiming that brits needed more damage or more soft defense, then i would ridicule his post. however, KM does need a buff of either damage or dispersion (same result), and in the case of 14.96, it needs more range. brit RP12 15inch matches range but has more armor/soft defense and MUCH MORE shell damage? even if they did equal damage, that's still broken, man. if the weaker shell does not go farther, then what is it supposed to do against a ship with more armor and soft defense? use 11inch til level 90+?

  • Re : In the finest Traditions...

    10. 21. 2005 18:50

Well dasche you seem to know a lot about how powerful the RN ships are. You drive a... what was it a Q? Yes that really gives you a wealth of experience on how powerful the Brit CL's and CA's are. Well apart from being on the recieving end that is. Ah! Now we see the problem. You see the power of the RN ships from the side where you are sunk by them.

What you haven't done, and probably along most other RN basher's, is seen what it's like to be on the receiving end in an RN ship bigger than a DD. This is what I continually take issue with. All the bullcrap about how all the Chinese vets have gone RN etc etc. Well so what! Most RN players are nothing like the Chinese vets so portraying all RN players as just as powerful is ridiculous IMO. Yes the RN has strength's but it also has weaknesses which seem to be continually glossed over by those who bash the RN.

In a K-Berg the most difficult ships I have had to fight are generally RN, namely the Sirius and Edinburgh. Actually the Brook is a git to fight too. But generally this is because I don't have much armour and have let them get in range, then I'm toast.

In the Dido and then the Sirius, the boats I have had the most problems with have been the MPro and Mogami's. Continually chasing faster, harder hitting CL's spanking 450's off my deck every hit is not allot of fun. But oh, if they get in range, do they feel my pain.

So really, is it so difficult to understand why there is so much disagreement about the perceived powers of some of these ships. Basically it is all subjective and down to which ship the player is sitting in.

btw do you still think the Q needs a nerf?

Yes portray me as a fanatic RN player in your posts I really don't care. The fact that I have a total of 4 BO's, a County, York, Edinburgh, Sirius, Brooklyn, Oakland, DDX, MPro, K-Berg,Z99 and Z1 sitting in dock not-withstanding.

Please note that I have not, and have never posted, anything to do on the subject of BC's or BB's and their guns etc as I don't actually have one.

Obst, you really don't see the problem with a Moderator making posts to buff the nation he plays?

Oh hell, whatever.
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