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  • Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    10. 13. 2008 14:30

I couldnt find any topic about this really even if it maybe isnt very necessary
information BUT:
Today when i was lvling some KM scouts i was running with Z99+lvl65KM gunners+4.10"D with
AA and HE shells+deptcharges

#Part1 AA!#
I noticed that this was a VERY effective setup, all scouts fell from the sky in one salvo.
This setup could work with lower lvl gunners to but i recommend the 4.10D as they make
good AA and weigh very little so you gain a lot of speed on that.

#Part2 Anti Submarine warfare#
Now as im also a BB player im one of those who is really annoyed by submarines and that
theres never any competent DDs around to take them out....I WANT MORE PLAYERS TO TRY THIS
OUT get your Z99 and kill some subs or get a DD good enough to carry lvl60 or higher
gunners. The BBs on my team where pretty glad to have me patrolling around them as the
subs had zero to no chance in getting in close before i was above them with depth charges
and if they of 4.10" pain, eh?
The BBs didnt have to worry about subs....and this i think this is how all BBs would like
it to be! lvl up a sonarman and get a DD preferabley Z99 as it have good displacement and
speed, and if you dont have time or simply is to lazzy to lvl a sonarman then give me a
call and ill help you out.

I just fellt that i needed to say this, :}

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    03. 02. 2010 07:32

Z99 + SS FCS + lvl 12 gunner + 117 engy = epic win.

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    03. 02. 2010 06:23

Personally I prefer the Emden. Z99 was fun for sub-hunting, but Emden is the only low ship
that fits my gunners now. Also, the 4.1" DP guns are hilarious when other ships think you
are an AA/ASW only emden

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    03. 01. 2010 13:07

you actually don't need a Sonarman to play anti-sub with a DD, you do need it with to do
it with a CL, I do use HH and DC on it, and it gives me great results, just about 10
minutes ago I sunk a German SS4....lvl 50ish BO vs lvl 80ish BO and 50 gotta
admit it is the Z99 that makes the difference

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    03. 01. 2010 08:42

I don't think i would want to level up a useless sailor like a sonar man since I do not
have a sub line or plan on getting one. It's a waste of a sailor spot that could be used
to level something else

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    03. 01. 2010 08:33

The Z99 is still one of my favorite ships. It is arguably the best D3 in the game. I
have never tried AA with it but I'll have to give it a go. For sub hunting it is the best.
I wonder if I could get hedgehogs on it? If so, that and DC racks would make it a
fantastic sub killer.

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    03. 01. 2010 07:39

skridt did it back in the day, its 2010 now and subs are more powerful than ever, and i
still fail to see enough DDs giving our BBs some decent cover against subs. I for one
have a z99 for those moments where there is usually 7-10 SS in a GB, (most days now
a day) and give subs a piece of my mind. If you are a new player, or you are just
starting a line, or leveling anything, make ur DD a sub hunter, help your BBs and let
them WIN more games for you.

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    10. 18. 2008 02:03

about the "premium sub-hunter", they could use the "Black Swan" friggate for that purpose

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    10. 16. 2008 14:02

its been nerfed, what is it 3or 4 times now? KM haters...

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    10. 16. 2008 00:22

so no one here was playing back when the z99 was the most insane ship in the game :( hope
this makes a few come out of the wood work :P

  • Re : Z99 The Ultimate Multi purpose ship!

    10. 14. 2008 05:34

"Isnt emdem a better AA ship compare to z99?"

In terms of sheer AA broadside, yes. But every CV driver in the game knows what an
Emden is and how it rapes planes, and will either avoid it like the plague or bomb it
to oblivion, first chance they get. Most CV don't expect a Z99 to open up with flak, so
it's a lot easier to get the drop on them and kill lots of planes.

Plus, Z99 gets more ammo with the KM40 than Emden does, in a smaller, faster ship.
8 barrels is more than enough if you actually aim.

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