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  • M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 23. 2005 07:28

The M-Project cruiser is a very fine ship. It is moderatly powerful and most of all, it has a decent range advantage. Below are some typical load outs.

FCS : Since you will be gunning alot. Use Aiming FCS.

Planes: Never ever leave port with out them. Planes let you spot your opponents early one. Also, with a low level BO, the shells from your guns will land beyond your spotting distance.

Engine : You have a choice of CL light, Normal or Heavy. Most players use heavy due to its higher speed and better max overheat speed. You will need this especailly when u want to extend range.

Guns: The M-Project has 3 gun options. Triple 5.9 inch, 6.75" and 8".

5.9" is best used agaisnt' DD but is has the shortest range. You also won't be able to carry too much ammo. 5.9" also performs poorly against armored targets.. In my opinion, unless u can block shot and there are loads of DD's around. I would avoid this config.

6.75" is the second best CL level gun. It has very long range, high ROF and decent damage against CL type targets. Almost all good m-project users master this weapon.

8"guns : With 8" gun, You will have lower ROF and shorter range than 6". It is recommended that you avoid this configuration as DD' will eat you alive and worse of all, you won't be able to outrage all enemy CL's by much. I recommend, don't bother unless your gunners are really good.

Armor : The M-projects big weakness is armor. It can't carry alot. Here are some configs.

All deck : 2.0" deck and nothing else. (offers moderate protection from long range CL fire, but nothing more, don't let anyone get close)

Belt + Deck: 1.5" Belt + 1" deck. (offers limited protection from enemy weapons. So don't let anyone get close)

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 30. 2005 12:16

Well, if you see that you fall in troubles with DDs very often, i'd say keep those torp
launchers. I have AA but i have it because i play in CL CA BB games, otherwise, playing in
all welcome games, AA of mpro is a waste. Good carriers know that you can only fire
backwards, and will eat you alive if they want to.

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 30. 2005 00:34

should i do that even though I am used to hunt DD's? in my Kberg I didn't use the
6.75" guns byt the tripple 5.9", so I am used to their range.

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 29. 2005 13:33

Malcheus, unequip those torp launchers. You'll be able to kill off swarming DDs with them,
but your main target in an M Pro is other CL2's, which usually will stay at around max
range. Get some AA gunners up to level 30 and have them use the duals to shoot down
scouts. If the enemy can't see you, he can't shoot you very well.

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 29. 2005 13:23

I bought an Mpro today, and I fully equipped it with torp launchers (launching 19
torps in one salvo sounded really nice to me) but my defence is kinda weak, cos
armour is really expensive, but the firepower is great.

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 29. 2005 10:36

i would say u could just keep it at 1.5" and put some bulk or belt .. u should NEVER put
down recruits..... or u could just put some armor to have "soft defence" and have speed

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 29. 2005 10:28

I can only fit 1.6" deck on my M Pro now with my fat sailors. Should I tone down the
recruit levels or just keep it the way it is?

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 29. 2005 10:19

the deal is that it shoots further with more firepower/damage
btw obst told me that i shouldn't put too much armor on my m-pro cuz of soft defence.. he
said never to lose 2 knots to armor on a M-pro...

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 29. 2005 09:07


Anyone know the answer to my question?

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 27. 2005 21:49

Two questions:

What do ppl feel about aa on an m pro? I put a few double aa cannons, but they don't seem
to do much. Should I strip them off - to save weight, or should I stick it out with them on?

What is the *better* 6.75 cannon. Looking at trainworld, the later 6.75"/ 40 Sk L/40s
seem to just fire slower than the 6.75"/ 40 Sk L/40, and weigh a bit more. What's the deal?

  • Re : M-Project Loads out for new player.

    10. 25. 2005 16:29

good advice
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