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Royal Navy


  • Gunners

    06. 23. 2009 17:40

Hi everyone,

My gunners are just about to level to 42 and I'm really woundering if I should train
them to Acc or Rel?

I looked through the different guides but could not figure out a deffinitive answer.

And for an off topic question, where can I find the changes done to the game in the
latest patchs?

Thanks for the help everyone.

  • Re : Gunners

    12. 08. 2010 20:58

As a UK BB 2 gunner i have to agree with Helms & the above that reload is better
earlier (IMO) as you need to throw everything you have got ( including the kitchen
sink ) as fast as you can while you have a chance to shoot, but it is a choice thing

  • Re : Gunners

    12. 08. 2010 19:31

okay your right but lets assume the kid cant afford EBVEd gunners, then what?

thats why i posted that, becasue not everyone can afford those types of gunners
and rely on events to get vets and stuff.

  • Re : Gunners

    12. 07. 2010 16:30

READ READ READ:..and agein READ READ READ....all so *search* is your friend...ther
are DEFENET ANSWER you just diden't look enuf.

as for above post's...WRONG

EBVEed gunners(Elite acc, classed as RLD) hit BOTH caps at lvl 87ish <<< all so
happens to be best option for UK gunners...just FYI.


  • Re : Gunners

    12. 07. 2010 08:56

shoot like mad and miss a few times



your choice

  • Re : Gunners

    12. 07. 2010 08:36

so what's the best we choose

rel or acc?


  • Re : Gunners

    06. 25. 2009 01:55

I liked them as well in Blitz. A near block York and tight spread 8'' HA on County were
absolutely great.
I hate them since I use the RP 12 ( now Mark III's) and Quads. Seemingly to only fire
once for every other nations shooting twice, isn't the greatest feeling.

  • Re : Gunners

    06. 24. 2009 19:50

i personally like Acc gunners. so i got my Acc gunners as main gunners, and Rel
gunners as AA.

  • Re : Gunners

    06. 24. 2009 01:29

Agreed with all of the above.

A little extra info, if your gunners are bve and 12 base acc, they will reach the Acc
cap in the mid 70's as reload gunners, as acc gunners around lvl 60. This is not the
stage where early accuracy matters a whole lot. The earlier reload cap is imo of
greater use and for far longer.

As for the patch info, it's in the BB 34AA sticky in General Discussion.

  • Re : Gunners

    06. 23. 2009 18:12

Unless you absolutely cannot live with a York that won't blockshot before you "graduate"
from Blitz, I'd suggest you go Reload.

The Acc cap is ridiculously easy to reach. The Rel cap is also easy to reach, but it takes
much more real ability to get there.

Acc gunners hit the Acc cap in the early 60s, but don't hit the Rel cap until you're
already in your BB5. Keep in mind, most of the BB guns have iffy spread at-level no matter
how good your gunners are, and your ability to do damage will be determined by how many
salvos you can throw downrange before you die rather than how tight your spread is.

Reloaders hit both caps sometime in the early 80s. And so your spread will always be the
best it
can be at a given level from there on, and your reload will also be as good as it can be
at that level. Your spread with guns should still be quite manageable, and you'll enjoy
shorter reload times that will help you take on larger ships when you manage to
get in range with your BB1/2/3.

Other folks might tell you differently. This is just my $0.02.

Oh, and the patch notes are archived in the appropriate section, it's the very first one
at the top of the list when you load up the main forum page.

Hope this helps.
