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  • Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    08. 28. 2009 18:03

So, as promised (albeit many, many months later), here is the speed cap table for KM
ships. Since I already did most of the hard work writing the table for USN, you guys get a
treat in that this table is somewhat improved over my other one in USN. Again, since
Adalbert was the one who figured out how Engys stack, remember to give him your
thanks for this thread if you ever see him.

And in the event that this gets stickied (my first for KM!), I'm going to put the bulk of the
data down below in the next post(s).

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    03. 03. 2011 16:26

Hmm...I dunno if I am just too stupid to read it...
I use 4 +12 Engies with lvl 101 on my H39, they have 180,179,178 and 160 Vets.
Still my H39 is only at 23kn Standard / 39kn Overheat.
I use the BB III Heavy Engine.

Any Idea what I do wrong?

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    02. 12. 2011 15:46

good god, and here I was just going to go with 1 engie, I wouldn't be able to reach
most of the caps if I didn't get more. Right now I have 4, but they're only +11s so I may
need to get a 5th ._.

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    09. 28. 2010 18:56

Very useful info. Thanks!

This post solve my matter that wheather I'm going to use Eng11/11/11 or not.

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    09. 27. 2010 22:42

8 lvl 120 +13 KM engineers with 109 vets and 0 recruits has an OHtime of 6 minutes 18

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    06. 10. 2010 21:51

Great guide, gives everyone an accurate idea of what their crew should have.

However :D, I never think about the speed cap because it's so easy to reach. I've always
wondered, "how long can I OH for with 8 EBVE engies on my QV?". With a few
calculations....adding true abilities.......carry the 2................WAY TOO LONG,
LMFAO. Seriously though, I calculated it a while back and got something around 8-9 minutes
I think.

Anyone know the OH time of 8 EBVE KM engies offhand?

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    06. 05. 2010 12:18

thanks for this I'm now confident that my 3 elite eng will work fine but still 4 eng is

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    05. 20. 2010 12:28

muy buena tabla de velocidad

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    03. 25. 2010 23:57

ain't it suppose to be "Der Deutschen"

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    03. 25. 2010 01:07

I just think it's hilarious that Slayer can hit the speed cap in a Kaiser with just one of
his engineers.

  • Re : Das Deutsche Speed Cap Table, Ja

    01. 05. 2010 00:06

OK this is a good guide. However on my H44 im using the BB II Engine. I have 4
engineers (+10 BVE, +11BVE and 2 +12 BVE). Still havent reached the speedcap on
level 114. So unless the speed cap for H44 is 23/39, on your speedcap table, my
enineers are worse than B class Engys?? I
find that hard to beleive even tho im using different bases of engys.

So im guessing its because im using different bases engineers for my H44.
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