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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    10. 16. 2009 14:04

Its like this, today i woke up and i was thinking "Fuso with 16''D are already powerfull,
they might be a good punch, but what about if i loaded them with HHE instead of LHE??!"

sure this already reduces (slightly....) its range, but would i be able to 1-shot BB5?
This would work out perfectly on NY!! ='D

now being serious... normally ppl with the 16'' setup uses LHE right? would be any worth
it trying out with HHE, or is the range reduction just too much, and too worthless?

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 19. 2009 10:42

just figured out i've been playing my fuso, in these last 5 or 6 lvls with NHE shells
haha. not with max range, but yet wasnt making much difference imho (at least on NY server

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 05. 2009 20:54

lol okie.. Hmmm

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 05. 2009 15:30

Never AW any IJN ship.

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 05. 2009 01:14

dont even, EVER put armor on a IJN ship!!! it does squat on an ijn ship.
but since u're RR fleet, then yes, use all armour that u can :P

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 04. 2009 16:53

should i put armor on my fuso ??

I put some armor. MY fuso was a fatso instead. it runs at 24/38 knts

so, in conclusion, what guns to be use ?? the 14" L ???
Sorry. noobish questions here.. forgive me ^^

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 03. 2009 07:51

Exactly. For example I got to chatting to a friend who was driving an Alaska with 2
turrets. I was laughing at his ship layout and made a bet that his AW BB1 could not
bounce 16"LHE shells.

So we put it to the test and guess what? At 43 degrees angle firing, the shells were
bouncing about 60% of the time (maybe belt hits?). I couldn't believe it.

So yes, you should keep that bind of AP for the Nelly, L1, L2, KGV, PoW and
occasional AW freak you run across.

12 x 16" bullets of LHE make lots of damage and your range is bad enough with the
16d already.

Although, I can see the attraction of HHE for that pesky sub or inadvertant blind run-
in with that H44 that you didn't see. But you are more likely to see one or many AW
UK BB and sinking those is your job.

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 02. 2009 14:07

The damage difference is not much between LHE and HHE. The LHE is already capable
of one-shotting, granted good spread. It would be much wiser to run a bind of AP on
the b slots rather than HHE. That way you don't have to worry about AW's. More often
than not you WILL run into something armored. It's kind of funny to watch them rush
you only to have 12 16" AP shells stopping them.

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 02. 2009 13:01

So I got my gunners up to level 79 and placed on the 16Ds. I have been using LHE
for the range and then also HHE if things get close (and they often do)

The HHE is great if you can get into range. It takes patience and some planning on
your part. I find myself waiting at the beggining of the game so that all the bigger
BBs go north or south. Meanwhile I sail in the center and pick off DDs, CLs, and CAs

So when the north and south BBs are fully engaged, you move into the center and
try to move in closer. Get close enough to use the HHE and you are bound to
destroy at least one BB. Even BB4s go down fast! Usually I get destroyed in the
proccess when the other team finds you in the center, but some times the results
are very good and help tip the tide.

One big disadvantage of going around in the center: subs

Other disadvantage is RN BBs - especially if they are armored. I put six or seven HHE
salvos on a Lion2 that was armored and did nothing. He finally decided to turn his
guns on me and I died quickly.

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    11. 01. 2009 11:34

If you can get into range you can practically destroy anything.

Once in a HA it was a few ships (all BB4 and lower) on my side trying to hold off a nebby
and a monty who were rushing. We all died apart from my fleetmate who was in a fuso with
16" D. He pulled off 3/4 amazing shots while only taking clipping shots from the nebby and
sunk him!

Both had sight of each other but it might of been ignorance of the nebby to not try and
dodge. ^^

  • Re : Fuso + 16''D + Cooking

    10. 31. 2009 22:36

This is a wonderful setup. Simple as that. If you're used to playing the BB line, then
you want range, I'm sure, but if you're an opportunist then this ship is simply
amazing. Enough patience will land you big games. I.E.

Keep in mind this isn't the rental. This isn't an uber high level crew on this ship. This
is the ship how most of you would have it set up, with probably near the same
ability. Crew was mid-80's, except for the bo and gunners, which were closer to/at
90. Yes, I sunk. The other team was so kindly catching all my LHE that I got down to
just a bind of AP. Obviously it went downhill from there.

Like I was saying. The ship is for someone with patience, if you ask me. Jump first
and sink first, wait to long and you'll never catch up with something as your team
eats it. Wait it out, and choose your path. Or else you end up whining about range.
Range doesn't matter when they don't see you/aren't paying attention.


132k attack and never getting hit once. That little bit of damage was taken by H44
splash damage. Who needs range if they can't hit you anyway? Wait. For.

That's about my only advise for this setup. It's incredibly fun, but don't play it if you
don't have patience. You're just going to get frustrated. Not every game will be good
in it, but it's not hard to pull 100k in a game. It seems like these days it's harder to
just have fun in this game, and I have to admit, this ship is pretty fun.

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