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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 07. 2009 15:58

1. how do i get the oyodo cv? do i first buy an agano cl then remodel it?
2. what is the highest level ship that can go into blitz game?
3. can the Junyo CV go into blitz games?

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 17. 2009 11:57

IN a Blitz i can get off a good torp wall with an oyodo then get back and launch my
bombers and take out DDs who rush with the front guns so id say Oyodo is a good
ship but only in blitz ull be a big fat target in GB

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 17. 2009 10:17

Speaking of guides if you've got IJN AA gunners in blitz you need to read them ;-)

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 14. 2009 02:07

Not really, but what did you expect from the lowest level CV in the game? (This is also
why you should take it to Blitz rather than GB)

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 14. 2009 00:17

oyodo is good cv?

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 08. 2009 12:54

oyo works well if you use 6" trips D model + AA, even better if you have AA Gunners.

after you remodel your oyodo and you want a mogami CV or a diff CV, dont sell your
oyodo. sell it to somebody else for the remodel price, save yourself some money.
because you dont get the remodel credit cost back. you can advertise it in trade &
barter area, people do look for it.

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 08. 2009 12:14

There are also guides out there.

  • Re : how do i get an Oyodo CV

    11. 07. 2009 16:56

1. Yes. You'll need a level 38 BO for the remodel to be available. Remember: you'll need
some pilots, the Oyodo is not a flat top (use those R and T slots!), and it does best in

2. 60. (Note: EBBs can't join.) But really it's about the crew members being 60 or lower...

3. Yes.