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  • 11/18(11/19) Maintenance: Servers down 10PM- 12PM PST

    11. 18. 2009 17:41

Servers will be down on the night of Nov. 18th, from 10PM through 12PM
Pacific Standard Time. (Nov. 19th, 06:00 -> 08:00 GMT/UTC time)

Patch 1.275

1. The attacking fleet logo will be shown on the harbor tile after declaring Harbor

2. Fleets that already have a harbor(or more) will not be able to declare a new
Harbor Assault towards other harbors.

3. Whenever player sells premium ship, 2nd password will be required each time.

4. The armament reload bug issue after playing in the Clan area has been fixed.

5. The bug not allowing ships with torpedoes to create new rooms, has been fixed.

6. The bug entering Mission rooms has been fixed.

7. 'Great Battle 2' will be available to play and several bugs have been fixed. (The
ship limit has been changed from 14 to 18 BBs.)

8. New chat commands for Fleet leaders have been added. (/movemember mainfleet
username -move user from squadron to mainfleet, /movemember 1 username -move
user to squadron 1)

9. The bug entering chat channel 0 has been fixed.

10. The name of KM scout Dornier Do22 will be displayed normally.
