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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Scout issues

    11. 20. 2009 14:30

well i got this 2 situations:

- having 5 scouts, namely the Zero, which is already a decent scout, with a decent view.
- having 3 scouts, the best one you can afford (sayun i think thats the name)

the thing is, they both die the same fastioned way, and the zero only have a slight less
range than the best scout i can have. Now question is: Which one is a better choise for a BB?

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 24. 2009 15:18

If you look at the names of my engies, I actually have 4, though my reps are below
115, so I've been leveling them more.

but yea, when i had 110 vets, i shot down many scouts with mine.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 24. 2009 08:49

Inneresting: 3 engies, 4 reps

re: BVE scouts - obviously t3 or local fighters eat scout for breakfast. The BVE is for
when flying at under the golden angle, if you get too close to a high aaw boat, you
don't get shot down (as fast).

I wonder if BVE would also help if you were foole enough to use though IJN "fighter"
scouts? The only valid application for that would be if you were driving Mog41/Myoko
as aaw boat and wanted to launch two "fighter/scout" to shoot down that scout just
out of your range.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 24. 2009 03:30

bah... showoff...


  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 23. 2009 19:32

SDE likes your IJN crew, too, angus.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 23. 2009 15:44


I like my BVE scout.

It used to have 110 vets when during the...somthing event where there was 300%
vet conversion.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 23. 2009 13:09

BVEing any scout is kind of senseless. T3s eat scouts regardless of level or BVE.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 23. 2009 11:31

i heard the IJN scouts are paper planes (true?), so i guess BVEing an IJN scout is out of

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 23. 2009 11:26

That is another argument for levlling in the Fuso vs the Nagato. With the Naggy you
can only use 3 of the good scouts and 5 of the not-so-great scouts. Fuso has much
better airplane space. If you take the Naggy you really need to take the 5 scout option
since scouts don't tend to live long.

There are two things to make scout live longer:
(a) Fly a tad lower than the golden angle. Except that that makes you susceptible to
AAW fire in case your scout gets too close to enemy ships (some worse than other). In
order to cure that:

(b) Hopefully your pilot has good bomber stat which determines toughness of the
plane. You could always BVE your scout pilot and then the lower altitude doesn't hurt
as much.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 21. 2009 19:43

Now that IJN AA got nerfed, it's a toss up what scout to use.

For GB, there are two choices:

1. Choose the scout that will let you have the most of them on your BB. Since they'll get
shot down anyways, you want more. Besides, there will hopefully be other players scouting
as well. And if the opposing team has a CV player with insane fighter pilots and your
team CVs can't or won't do anything about that, your scout will die for sure.

2. Use the level 65 scout. Basically, the scout that sees the farthest and flies the fastest.

For BB rooms or 1 v. 1:

1. The level 65 scout. Microing the scout will be enough to avoid AA, not that many BB
players bother AAing anymore. Besides, you want the most vision you can get and you want
your scout to return and fly out as fast as it can. Every moment you're blind is a great
chance for the opposing BBs to sink you and your teammates.

Personally, I've gotten into the habit of using the level 65 scout. Relying on teammates
to scout can be frustrating.

  • Re : Scout issues

    11. 21. 2009 13:45

I've always used the lv 65 scouts, it makes lowering the altitude to avoid 4.7" AA
alot easyer.

(in the old days before the nerf, only the lv 65 scouts could be beyond 4.7" AA range
and still see a SY, etc.)
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