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  • Important Paypal Information

    12. 11. 2009 11:20

This news is for those of you have may be experiencing problems with PayPal...

Even though we have fixed the problem with PayPal, there may still be some of you
experiencing trouble with it. If you have purchased items through Paypal and did not
receive them, please let us know as soon as possible in the form of a "Payment" section
support ticket. Please include all of the following information so we can resolve the
problem for you quickly.

1. Your Paypal transaction number: Ex) 554343642M152182V

2. Or you Paypal invoice number: EX) 337342014|N|

3. A list of the item/s you have purchased.

If we receive all of this information then we can have the items manually placed into your

We are continuing to look into this problem and are terribly sorry for this great

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Team NF