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  • getting rid of a certain law

    10. 20. 2005 07:45

as some1 like myself i consider myself well off now that i have just under 2 million creds lol but i do try to help new players out if and where i can with points and creds just to be a nice kind person lol and half the time i cant cos they dont have the 50 k of creds/points to trade in the first place i say we should get rid of this rule at the end of the day why is it there anyways if im honest i can not see what purpose that rule is there for ???? please view your thoughts on this

  • Re : getting rid of a certain law

    10. 20. 2005 09:07

ahhhh i see now thank you for this :)

  • Re : getting rid of a certain law

    10. 20. 2005 08:22

The reason for this, as i see it, is as follows :

In a world without the 50k/50k limit, a player could start one account (hereby refered to as A). They might play A for a while or whatever, and find they want more cash. They go make accounts B, C and D. Each of those has starting points and credits on it. Using the power of 2 computers ( :O ! ) they trade B, C and D's credits over to A. They can then just repeat this.

This process would allow anyone with 2 machines to give themselves as many credits and points as they wish. The 50k/50k limit stops this very simply, by making a new account be just below the point of being able to trade.

This reason means the 50k/50k 'law' is there for a good reason, as i'm sure you'll agree Audio, being a decent enough player.

Any further points of view ?
