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  • Why run and gun?

    01. 10. 2010 13:58

Now I'm not a long time Km player, but run and gun makes no sense to me. If you
range the enemy, hy rub and not just keep range and gun?

I generally don't play the cookie cutter mould, and see no reason to do so here.
What use are engineers is you don't need to "run away" because of your range?

I feel betrayed by all the posts that say thius is the way you need to play.

I feel my playstyle is as good, or better that those that wear blinders.

I've decided to break the cookie mould.

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    05. 18. 2010 07:47

"I don't concider it running if an opponent is trying to close in on me and I keep

So.... if you don't consider that as the definition of Run and Gun... what do you consider
the definition to be?

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    05. 17. 2010 19:27

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  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 21. 2010 10:06

I came back for the events and then was suspended for a week on suspicion of
botting, then found innocent and reinstated.

I have been here since early beta, but just off and on.

I'll probably take another break after the event is over.

I've learned one thing, don't give everything away again, which I have done 3 times
now, hehe.

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 21. 2010 09:58

i thought you had quit this game, for the... 5th time recently?

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 21. 2010 05:50

Don't suppose you ever stopped to think that its the most POPULAR way because its
the BEST

That all depends on one's playstyle. That's how the MMO cookie cutter term came

I don't concider it running if an opponent is trying to close in on me and I keep
range, or he is heading away and I keep range, it's just rangfe.

I think the ship makes a difference also.

On my OP2 I can get more armour for a very little less range with the exact same

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 17. 2010 20:25

viper01 uses an AW H44 with front guns only so you can ignore his comment <3

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 17. 2010 09:52

why do we run and gun here is y

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 17. 2010 07:39

"""Dbobo: If we went by that, CLs and sometimes CAs should use torps. Some CAs should also
use CL guns, and scouts would optional until the BB2 level. (Maybe later) =/

The whole speed/range/AA thing exists more in the forums than ingame. """

Sadly this is true. Oh well, you know what my point was.

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 17. 2010 06:22

I usually play semi-aggressively with my H44, noone ever expects an H44 to rush. It
works great, on both New York and Arizona. Unfortunately I don't have a crew on
MO so I can't try it there...

Just play right on the edge of enemy BBs range and make them keep firing at you
without hitting you, eventually they will leave themselves open for a rush.

Of course, depending on the player I may also choose to just plain run away if I get
rushed rather than counter-rush, but not usually.

  • Re : Why run and gun?

    01. 16. 2010 18:12

In my 4 years of NF I have quite literally tried it all (except AWing ships in stupid
fashion), 15" on H44, AWed OI, 2 gunned Gnei and I can conclude that there is one way to
play KM:

Fit the longest range guns and run away a lot.

Feel free to try other methods, but I guarantee this one is the most efficient.
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