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  • SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 18. 2010 06:13

Well... like most people i slept last night and have to work today, so i wont get to pound
away on my SS4 until later, but i know a lot of you have already been playing them.
Anybody have any thoughts so far? speed? 1 or 2 torpers? torp space? any general

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    03. 14. 2010 11:15

Meh.... donate me credits or premium HH and I will spend the whole day hunting sub :P
Then sub will start saying I am overpowered because there are finally someone to NUKE them
before they get attack most of the time.

Accepting credits or Premium HH!!! :P

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    03. 14. 2010 11:00

Initial thoughts then and now: Overpowered....status of which has not changed
since SS3.

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    03. 14. 2010 10:18

***Would anyone know if the reload time of your torps gets faster as your torper levels
up? ***

Yes, but there is a catch. You reload faster up to the cap.
The cap for torpedo reload is very very easy to reach. A base 11 non boosted lvl km torper
65 should be reaching the cap soon or already have.
A bve torper should just hit the cap around 55+

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    03. 14. 2010 08:17

Would anyone know if the reload time of your torps gets faster as your torper levels

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 24. 2010 22:58

I believe they will not nerf this flak guns...
Coz if they do, many KM SS players will ask to compensate it with more torp tubes or a
freakin good subs (in terms of manuver and speed)...

I wonder what SDE will do with KM SS 5 and 6... Hmm...

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 22. 2010 13:09

of course people will be crying over anything new...

so, yes-these guns CAN be powerful, but CAN is the keyword here.

1-we are in a freggin sub, if a BB is going to let a SS pop up next to it and spend 10+
seconds of direct fire, its their fault. I don't know to many SS's that can take a full
broadside of any BB in close enough range without being sunk/severe dmg.

2-very limited use. I have played quite a few rounds with my new SS4 and maybe on 2
occasions actually found a good use for them (not counting just having fun with them)

3-in order to use these we have to carry some HEAVY gunners, not to mention have them in
the first place. I for one do not have a KM BB crew so was forced to power lvl and/or buy
some gunners to use. So using these guns will dramatically slow us down

4. Very limited ammo-if you want to be effective and carry both HE and AA shells, you get
enough to slightly damage a ship and shoot down a few scouts, thats all. For all that
weight, is 30 seconds of fire really worth it?

5. As a KM ss4, we're still stuck with only 4 front tubes and 3 support slots, compared
to say the IJN with 5 support and 8 front tubes. So while most subs got better , we got

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 22. 2010 11:57


I am mystified as to your personal opinion with regards to the sub guns. I am also mystified as
to why you chose to call me out by name. In case you are still mystified, I will not engauge in a
flame war with you. Like a previous post, the 20mm guns are very limited, difficult to start and
stop, and unless you are a scout or at point blank range or not moving you will be sunk by
them in about 15 seconds at full dp.

They will not and should not be nerfed.

Let's just nerf HH and no guns larger than 10" and torps that bounce off and we can all just sail
around the game until time expires and collect our exp.

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 22. 2010 07:23

Magnetically charging the hull to repel torpedoes, mines and hedgehogs.

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 22. 2010 01:49

They allready got it. ^^

  • Re : SS4 Released-Initial Thoughts

    02. 22. 2010 01:26

"Before the new guns a SS4 was essentially
helpless after surfacing. A disadvantage that NO OTHER ship had to endure."

That's why it's a sub marine and able to dive. An advantage that no other ship has.

But I guess we could give SS5 a force field to deflect surface fire. Yeah, that sounds
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