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Marine Nationale


  • French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 22. 2010 09:37

I would like to know what will the stats on FP Planes... To find out what standing
would The CVs be compared to the other nations?

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 25. 2010 22:02

Go look at the sailor tree, its all there

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 25. 2010 14:31

Got CV-2 and brought out my lvl 45 torp pilots, then found that there are no planes
for them the only planes are lvl 50. What happened to the lvl 45 aircraft? There
should be some kind of note that you cannot use your french Tb pilots unless lvl 50
on any cv but first one. This was a surprise i could do without as i made two pilots
Db's. They cannot be beat and have over 80 ships between them. Not bad for 24
hours play and only on about 12 of that. These French Db's are going to be deadly
once they reach lvl 120. reason for removing tb from cv-1, they torped their own ship
twice. that did it for me.

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 25. 2010 02:24

so far only other CVs on nelson are UK and IJN, the MN T1s are holkding their own
vs them, and I would have to say a little better actually considering both the other
bigger cvs on server are 5-10 levels over me and the little fighters hold their own.

As for the TBs, they hit for about 6500 dmg which if I rem right is about 2k more then
ijn t1 TBs

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 23. 2010 23:37

getting cv-2 in morning lvl 61 now, found MN ftrs poor, Tb, fair, and bombers great.
Cannot wait until I have enough room to put enough room for more aircraft on the
finally got Jaffre now have a MN Cv that has the room to operate as a cv should. The
fighter planes still souped up ww-1 jobs but great pilots help make up for it

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 23. 2010 22:01

Well, I only have T1's right now, so I have been using locals.

But even just the T1's are really bad compared to the American T1's I used long ago. They
have no fuel, limited range.

The locals stay up for about 10-30 seconds. T1's I have not really tried outside of Blitz,
but they had very limited fuel even when I did use them.

I'm up to Bearn now, so plane space between the two ships is quite good, they all have
good gun slots. Im cautiously optimistic at this point.

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 23. 2010 20:17

No one has T3 yet most likely, but unless there planning on changing the stats, They
suck basically.

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 23. 2010 20:00

anyone willing to share how MN's fighters stack up?
i want to start a french CV but seeing how all of their fighters are practically
locals, im reluctant to go through the grind and it would be nice if someone
could tell us first hand

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 22. 2010 09:42

downplease has all the info listed there.

However, the ***current*** stats for French planes (FTRs and BMRs) are taken wholesale
from NF Korea. The stats were not adjusted to match NFNA planes. Therefore, the FTRs are
just about the weakest with the shortest flying time, whereas the BMRs do significantly
more damage.

In short, MN planes aren't taking the middle ground they should be.

  • Re : French Nation CV's questions?

    02. 22. 2010 09:41

There stats are all in the game info section, but to save you a few clicks they have
like 10-20 seconds less fuel like all fighters on KR.