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  • Km torps damage

    02. 23. 2010 05:43

ok guys, i "tried" search but to no avail,

here is the question, is it true that km's torp damage ranges?meaning they dont have a
constant damage, sometimes i see a torp doing 1.7k damage and sometimes 7k+ damage.unlike
ijn they do a constant damage which is reliable.

pardon my broken english.cheers

  • Re : Km torps damage

    11. 11. 2010 20:41

The damage depns of the enmi ships if it have better bulge will resister more the torp the
best torp are thata SS have

  • Re : Km torps damage

    02. 23. 2010 12:35

And then there's the matter of the amount of belt armour and the location of the hit
on the enemy.

That makes 4 things you have to consider in the damage you do with torps.