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  • Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 03. 2010 16:04

If your enemies find your SS4 20mm guns devastating now, set your angle to 50+ and
let the rain fall.

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 06. 2010 10:43

if you want a visual exemple of what a 90 degree shot do, take a rock and throw it
vertically above you.

Hopefully the result of your experience will knock some sense of math in your head :P

HAW idk how the game check, but I do know it is EXTREMELY powerful. while it is difficult
to master, once you can aim with it, its impossible to dodge. You can only waggle about
hopin to counfound the ship HAWing you. (by the time you know where the shell will fall,
they are already in a steep nearly 90 degree dive toward your deck)

You have penetrating bonus, damage bonus (county easily do 1k the shell HAWing, compared
to 400-500 dmg in direct firin)

however here is a small tought: if you can gun down BB with a sub, then thank you for
undoubtly proving the stupidities of subs sturdiness. You actually feel safe above water
usin guns....

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 04. 2010 12:51

Only in a vacuum would you get maximum range at 45 degrees. NF maximum range
for most guns is around 50, which is, of course, physically impossible in this
universe. Maximum range in real life for guns and artillery is around 32 degrees, due
to air friction.

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 04. 2010 08:10

The ammount of armor needed to bounce stuff above 55 degrees is huge.

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 04. 2010 08:02

Have a peek at LordKelvin's USN FF DD CL giude that is stickied.

Scroll down to the ATLANTA.

He explains the High angle bounus you get from 50+

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 03. 2010 16:28

There are some exception.
County 8"set and few 5" to 6,1" or 3,46" for example, have their maximum range shot at 55
Don't ask me why, ask the programmer from NF.

It is not very true about the deck hit, you can still high angle and hit the belt. The
same thing at point blank hitting
deck. Yet, the chance or the rate of belt/deck hit in those elevation are very low.

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 03. 2010 16:25

yes but this way at angle 45 you are hitting both belt and deck. unlike angle 50 where you
are hitting pure deck, so if they have armor on they will be giving you 0-10 damage per
shell. and you don't have enough ammo to kill a BB with 10's.

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 03. 2010 16:19

he's talking about high damage for high angle shots...

  • Re : Remember Your High Angle Bonus

    03. 03. 2010 16:09

actually you get most range at 45 degrees. It's between 0 and 90 so it goes farthest and
has medium angle.