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  • KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 12:58

Okay, well I have noticed that other nations can put bigger guns on their smaller
ships..., yet KM ships can't really do that... Such as vanguard putting on guns that
are ment for L2 or queen putting on guns ment for vanguard. So, why can't i put on
trip 14.96 guns on my bismark? ( I know why..) Why can other nations do this, but
KM can't? I want to put trip 14.96 guns on my bismark or even the 16 inch that the
H39 gets.. I never see an H39 with H44 guns on, yet I see L1 with L2 guns on.

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 20:15

tbh Km ships are engineered to be played with range. One such setup you talkin bout tradin
range for "firepower" would be H39 with O2 guns...which is a fail, a BB4 snack, a bissy
snack, and any BB3 with a brain can quickly get in range and pwn you.

you can switch around guns on the CL stage, Mpro with 8" is lethal. People just dont
expect that kind of firepower from one. Same goes with Kberg.

AH with PE Ns also seem to hit wicked hard.

but as far as BB goes, the only choice you have is at BB2. 14,96 for firepower (and still
great range) or 11" for LOTS of range but reduced firepower.

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 20:01

Why doesn't KM have guns like that though. All we get are the ones that are ment
to go on. We don't have any 16 inch guns that can fit on a bismark, but trade range
for firepower. All we have is what is given. Even with those so called "Nelson" guns
their range is still great..I don't notice any real range deficit.

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 19:35

Lol, good luck with that one :P

I am guessing it was an ONF1 project but I am not too sure...

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 17:28

Sorry, I wasn't clear there. That line about L2 guns on an L1 was directed at
Bounty007/modern NF. When was this taken out, anyway?

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 16:55

"Are you sure that there was an L1 with L2 guns, because the L2 guns are larger than the
L1's R-slots..."

Yes indeed. LionI could carry LionII guns with 1 bind. It made the LionI go from the
shortest ranged BB4 to the second highest (only H39 with H44 guns had longer range). I
played it a number of times and it was very amusing to nuke other BB4s which didn't know
you had the LionII guns on :)

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 16:37

"H44 guns on H44"

Nerf KM much?


Back on topic: the K-berg and M Pro can both use 8" (Hipper) Ds. While some US and IJN
ships can use higher level guns (16" Mk 2 D on the Penn 30/NM 30/Tenn 41, 16" Mk 3 D on
the Colorado, 16" D on the Fuso/Ise), these setups are generally shorter ranged and
therefore of limited value.

The triples that sometimes show up on the Vanguard and Hood are always either Nelson
goods, or a special set of Hood guns that trade range for firepower. Are you sure that
there was an L1 with L2 guns, because the L2 guns are larger than the L1's R-slots...
(likewise for the QE you said carried Vanguard guns. The Vanguard's duals are larger than
the QE's R-slots.)

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 15:50

They can't have been the LionII guns, they were the Nelson guns.

The sprite is the same but the damage, reload and range are completely different.

As for this, the issue of bigger guns on smaller ships has been fixed by ONF, these setups
used to exist but were removed:

LionII guns on LionI (making it the 2nd longest range BB45)
H44 guns on H39
SY guns on Y
Iowa Ls on North Carolina
LionI guns on Nelly
Iowa Ns on SoDak

These were horrifically overpowered but such setups don't exist anymore thankfully.

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 15:13

Well I saw it.

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 15:04

**I have seen a vanguard with L2 guns on. **

Impossible with stock files, unless he cheated.

  • Re : KM ships and guns

    03. 06. 2010 15:02

Well, I am talking about why can other nation's BBs fit bigger guns than they should
have. I have seen a vanguard with L2 guns on. I have not seen a bismark with H44
guns on. I have seen queen elizabeth with vanguard guns on, I have also seen L1
with L2 guns on. Then why can't H39 have H44 guns? Why can't bismark even have
trip 14.96 guns, or H39 guns, but other nations can do that stuff.
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