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Marine Nationale


  • MN SS5 and SS6

    03. 07. 2010 10:20

So, any guesses on the SS5 and SS6? Yes, they will be added.

All other nations will stop at SS4, apparently.

One of them will be the surcouf, the pic was already leaked. , skip to 4:17

Most likely it will be the Surcouf and the Minerve..


  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    10. 09. 2010 18:25

SS5 will have scouts as well, as pointless as that is.

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    10. 09. 2010 07:09


main guns 2 x 203 mm ||| OMG :O --> Same caliber ;O
2 x 37 mm
4 x 13,2 mm
8 torped luncher front 550 mm
4 torped luncher back 400 mm

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    07. 14. 2010 09:28

i bet the 8" will hit like 18", or 20" maybe..

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    07. 14. 2010 09:20

"How about this:
KM SS2 deck gun, 3.46" hits even harder than KM 11"LHE and has 6.75" range...
KM SS3 deck gun, 4.1" hits comparatively to the US 12" LHE and has 6.75"sL range..."

AH yes I rember USN Deck guns 3" gun that did 900 damage more then any 8" gun with the
range of the 6" trips ah good times.


  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    07. 12. 2010 22:12

i do like subs, and i think they are a very great idea and with the last update they are
more easy to sink

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    03. 13. 2010 03:55

Just remembering back when SDE's policy was that there was never to be subs in this game.
I knew it then that adding in submarines would be a terrible idea. Oh do I wish SDE had
kept their promise.

"How hard do you think the Surcouf would hit with its twin 8" guns?"

I'm thinkin' 10k damage salvos? Knowing this game I'm sure it's going to be extremely
overpowered and wont get rebalanced at all until months after release.

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    03. 11. 2010 21:12


How about this:
KM SS2 deck gun, 3.46" hits even harder than KM 11"LHE and has 6.75" range...
KM SS3 deck gun, 4.1" hits comparatively to the US 12" LHE and has 6.75"sL range...

Going off that trend...

How hard do you think the Surcouf would hit with its twin 8" guns?

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    03. 08. 2010 14:54

im thinking that the SS5 and SS6 will just be SS4 but higher level, however possibly only
an improvement in speed?

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    03. 08. 2010 02:19

...Of course, if the 20mm gun or the KM SS4 sub is any indicator, SS5/6s will be able to
beat the crap out of level-30 ASW boats on the surface and crit-dive HedgeHogs.

Kinda wish they used a different design philosophy with the subs, where the subs would be
get stronger against BBs BUT weaker against ASW as they go up in Tiers. More speed, more
torp tubes, more damage, more underwater sight, more underwater air capacity/air
recharge...but weaker turning force and constant (or even less) DP.

  • Re : MN SS5 and SS6

    03. 08. 2010 00:12

I look on the bright side.

With the SS5 and SS6 probably gonna be in the 80's and 90's, that's gonna be a
chunk of bonus EXP lurking beneath the waves.

Would be quite rewarding to play ASW, since the level difference between high level
subs and low level ASW ships means there's a lot of bonus exp to be gained by
sinking them.

Only thing that needs to be tweaked is perhaps make ASW exp individually gained.
ASW ships could still leech the shared exp from BBs in GBs, but individual sub kills
should see ASW players rewarded individually as well.

If that were the case, it'd be fun times going around in a Lv30-ish DD or CL sinking a
Lv90 SS6. The prospect of 15k to 20k exp games in DD or CL has me salivating.

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