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  • KM sub Torp sailors

    03. 07. 2010 10:53

I was looking around this Forum and on TrainWorld for while trying to find more
information about the KM Torpedo sailors. Unlike Japan Km has only the Heavy
Torpedo sailor. Anyways, while searching the forum I saw that few people made
comments about the HVY Torpedo sailor, like that it levels very slowly and what not.
So then I started to get confused. It sound sounds like I should just stick with the
gunner sailor or something.

I would appreciate it if you guys could clarify this topic for me.

One other thing, I assume that the gunner sailor will be used as my torpedo man
for my first sub. Since you get your first Sub around level 38.

  • Re : KM sub Torp sailors

    03. 07. 2010 13:32

Ah, okay. So I will just stick with the heavy torpedo sailors than. Thanks.

  • Re : KM sub Torp sailors

    03. 07. 2010 12:41

It's simple, the torpedos have a fixed level on the subs, so all you need is a Sailor with
torpedo ability and the required level. For SS3/4 the torps are lvl 59, so the only option
is the heavy torpedoman