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  • P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 08:19

I finally got my P-Pro last night and was thrilled at the upgrade over the D-land in all
around capabilities. Faster, better AA, looks like a real ship..... but I am still
depressed at how awful my spread is. Like the D-land I am thrilled to hit *something* over
the course of a GB or GB2. Frankly it is a good thing I can carry good AA and a lot of
scouts or I would really be leeching off of shared XP.

Right now I am using the 2nd set of trip11Ds. Since I am away from home I don't have all
my gunner stats, but they are high enough to get the 11Ds but not high enough to get the
11Ns. 10/10 base stats, not elite, but both have been vetted w/ 100 vets and have 20-30
experts a piece. They would be roughly at 60-75% ability. What more do I need to do to get
the spread to an acceptable level.... IE: not horribly random and capable of landing a
shot on a BB34.

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 18:26

on the Dland line, BVE gunner are a must to make it enjoyable.

While the 11" C/34 D (Ns are BB1s guns and Ls BB2-3 guns) hit harder, they do not have the
massive acc revision on the gun the C/28 have.

Patch to make the Dland usable at level granted those gun massive bonus, confering them a
really tight spread.

With regular elite (not needed really, but couldnt be bothered to roll a 12/10 pair with
the few points i had on the new server) BVE gunners, i can safely say I can put most of my
shell on a CL1-sized target at max range, and all of my shell on any DD in mid range.

The C/34 however were conceived as BB1 gun, and therefore to be started using at lvl 60+
mainly. They have better range and damage, to the price of the acc revision that was put
their for lvl 45 gunners.

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 15:30

"For whatever reason these gunners seemed to have earned vets at an alarmingly low rate. "
-I experienced that too and i think its all because the gunners only have low amount of
sailors in it. The closer your getting to 40% max vets, lesser chances of gaining vets.
But by the time my gunners reached higher level, its a lot easier vetting them.

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 12:41

I was suspecting the answer may involve opening my wallet. At least payday is tomorrow.
I'll also try the 1st set of 11Ls to see if anything improves. I'll save that rant for
another day.

For whatever reason these gunners seemed to have earned vets at an alarmingly low rate.

As sucky as my spread is ATM I did manage to hit a PCL with a shell. That made me happy.

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 10:18

20-30 experts that is a little low you would get the same effect you get from max expert
as you do the 100 vets on Km gunners,I suggest you get more experts.

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 10:16

Using 1st set 11" L would certainly help your spread, and they might even outrange the
2nd set D, I'm not sure. Unfortunately, at 10/10, your spread is pretty much just going to
suck for awhile.

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 09:28

maybe a couple more levels,, or try boosting them..

  • Re : P-Pro and gun spread

    03. 18. 2010 08:37

use the first set 11"L~

btw, the first set 11" would get very tight spread at about 80+ iirc.