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  • Starting Over

    03. 23. 2010 23:27

Hello i just came back after over a year of not playing and i was planning on starting
KM. I was wondering if you guys would answer a few questions for me? If you can
thank you.

What will i need sailor wise? Numbers of: Engin/Repair/Gunners.

Is it worth getting elites for said sailors?

Should i get Elite Acc or Elite Reload?

Also would like to know how are the KM's BB's compare to other nations?
Range/Damage/Survival. If possible can someone compare the strenghs of the BBs?
If that is to much could i be told how good the PBB is compared to others?

Thank you very much for your answers and i look forward to playing.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 25. 2010 18:32

Thank you for the help.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 25. 2010 13:31

AD is nice if you can shell out some buck. In most GB games, you can kill ruchers and
stragglers. You'll find that you outgunned by BB4, bb5, and bb6 prectice AA well if
you plan on taking them on.

Bad part of KM though as previously mentioned is that you will find yourself
struggling to rush and relying on other ships when advancing.

SS are nice. Proximity torps makes you better accuracy wise so you use less tops
unless you take on the biggies.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 25. 2010 11:55

I think Unit pretty much covered everything. I'll elaborate a little on what he said.

Why two BOs for the BB line? Well, there are two KM BB lines that eventually converge. So
with two BOs, you could potentially climb both if you wanted. The second reason is to keep
your gunners above the level of your BOs. KM guns have some accuracy issues when the
gunners match the level of the ship.

Remember that the best KM AA guns require "AA Gunners" (class at level 21). If you played
another nation, you might have been told to use 'reload' gunners. The KM definitely uses
AA gunners. There is debate about the usefulness of classing them up beyond the first
class. Do some research when you hit level 42 to see whether AAW stat has been made useful
by then. Current wisdom says the accuracy loss isn't worth it.

Choosing between 4 or 5 engineers for a BB: If you are going to invest in in boosts and
other store items, you can get away with fewer engineers. See the speed cap sticky in this
forum for more information. With store items, the difference between having 4 and 5
engineers is narrowed (because you hit the cap sooner with better engineers, the extra 5
or 6 levels is less painful with store items).

Gunners on subs: You probably won't want to use the guns until the SS4 anyway. And a
U-Flak does pretty well with just torpedoes. So you need to judge whether it's worth the
extra effort (and it's a lot of effort to get those two gunners up with only a sub line).
If you did want the U-Flak eventually, maybe just plan on buying some gunners and try to
save some credits.

CV pilot choice: I made a post detailing pilot choice for a KM CV here:
And I wish I leveled a medic with my pilots. But I'm too lazy go back and fix that. Learn
from my mistake!

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 24. 2010 16:15

"50k each, I think, not sure so don't take my word for it"

100k each until level 30, when it then drops to 50k each.

Using the yellow sailors should be OK, but make sure you also have enough leveled
for bb5/6 when the time comes.

SS: You may want a pair of lvl 74 gunners because the guns on the KM ss4 are godly.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 24. 2010 09:16

Most of the yellow sailors work just fine. About the only ones that I can think of that I
would ditch are the AA gunners (they're 11 rel/11AAW and the AAW stat is disabled at this
time) and even those will work good for using KM AA. And I wouldn't bother leveling up the
restorer that they give you because they're pretty useless in general. It's been a while
since I started so I don't remember everything you start off with, but those are the only
two that i can think of.

Also, if you're starting a brand new account, I recommend you save up your credits/points
until you can open a trade room (50k each, I think, not sure so don't take my word for it)
and make a room asking people for points. Pretty much every high lvl player has more
points than they could possibly want and would be more than happy to give you a few mil,
that way you have enough to class/roll new sailors.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 24. 2010 09:05

Thank you very much for the reply. So the Yellow ones that they give you will be
good? Just dont want to waste my time leveling them only to find out i will be at a
great disadvantage later on.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 24. 2010 07:34

1. That depends on what all you want to do. If you're planning on going with every ship
type you'll need:

2 +14 pot for BO's
4 gunners (I like 11/11 personally)
some combination of rep/eng (I like 4/4, some like 3/5, +12 if you can get em, 11's are
fine though.
+11 bomb for scout (or you can get one with a high aircraft stat and hope that eventually
SDE makes it do something, wouldn't count on it though)

1 BO (stats don't really matter, you'll probably end up ghosting him anyways when your
crew gets fat)
2 +11 torpers (the torp stat caps out really fast so you don't need to waste time/money
trying to get +12's
2 +14/15 pot for sonarman and planesman
Possibly a restorer, but I'm counting on both the SS5-6 having more sailor slots and SDE
putting in a lower SD cap on subs, so I don't bother with one.
And possibly a gunner, also not really necessary

1 BO (preferably high rep/res)
some combination of at least 8 pilots ( high ftr/bomb stat for fighter pilots, high bomber
for bomber pilots, I use a 6 ftr/ 2 bomber combination but it's up to you.)
+15 pot medic

And since KM reps suck, try to get some of these sailors with a semi-high rep/res stat, it

2&3: If you have the money, go for it. I don't find elites worth it, and that the money is
better spent on boosts, vets/experts. Also, KM already gets a +2 to both acc and rel upon
classing so elite gunners definitely aren't worth it.

4. KM BB's have the longest range, godly AA, low damage, low angle guns ( lower hang time
makes aiming easier, but makes it harder to punch through armor), can't take damage as
well as other nations, tend to have average speed, and tend to be played more defensibly
because they're not very good rushing ships.

I've never owned a PBB but from what I've seen in game the AD is easily the best PBB there is.

  • Re : Starting Over

    03. 24. 2010 01:03

Have you read the stickies yet?