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  • What have better range?

    03. 25. 2010 10:04

Hi what is for me better? Opro2 or Bizmarck :-/
Opro have 9 turrets 14,96" and bizzy have 8. Have Bizzy better range?

  • Re : What have better range?

    04. 04. 2010 11:55

"You recognize that you really aren't getting any more range out of the 11" than you would
out of the 2nd set of 14.96 duals right? And that the 14.96 are Far better guns in a
multitude of ways?"

I'm fairly certain that the 11" trips have much more range than the 14.96" duals, either
set. But feel free to disprove this.

I've been running around in a speed capped Gneisenau with a 3x3x11" setup. It's awfully
hard to beat, and I've been getting 60-100k attack consistently, as well as winning at
least 65% of my games due to the fact that enemy BB5s get riled up at the sight of me
rushing and forget about our own BBs.

  • Re : What have better range?

    04. 04. 2010 03:30

just to make a notice. u can use the bissy guns on opro-2..but not the op-2 guns on
so..u have the same ranges but 2 shells less in the air.
i play both lines. currently on op-1 with the first set of the 15" and its fun. u can AW
the op-1 and my ship runs still 23/39 with 3 turrets and 6" deck..or 2 turrets and >8"
deck. if u like the AW stykle u should use the opro line. with opro u get a extra slot
in support, better aa and more options for a setup.

both lines are fun and pretty good. i played bissy line first and played the "old" bissy
before we got the the new bissy and

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 31. 2010 11:42

That's partly because in GB you're more likely to face a BB5 than a BB3...

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 31. 2010 07:21

verfallen, truth is, in GB you have no range advantage in Bismarck

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 26. 2010 21:38

in GB, its sadly true a range advantage is often meaningless due to the fact people can't
use it well due to inexperience, or ever-lasting failing.

However a skilled player will be able to use that small range advantage of the bissy, and
the O2 will never make it quite in range, and end up being murdered.

At level the dual also have a better spread than the triple in my opinion, which makes the
bissy superior in any way then in my mind.

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 26. 2010 13:41

Agreed with the post above me. Range isnt necesarally everything you know.

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 26. 2010 10:13

O-pro II - More versatile, slightly more firepower, less range, 7 support slots.
Bismarck - Strictly a line fighter, sexy looking, 6 support slots, inferior AA.
Andrea Doria - Resilient under any circumstances, low firepower, best AA out of the 3, 7
support slots.

Overall with the idea of grinding crew in mind I still prefer O-pro II. Though it is a little
more challenging than Bismarck to use. In a bb1-3 room the O-pro II can be properly
deck armored as well.

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 26. 2010 09:39

There might be 1 ship in this game that is easier to play than AD, and that is AW L1.

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 26. 2010 08:51

You recognize that you really aren't getting any more range out of the 11" than you would
out of the 2nd set of 14.96 duals right? And that the 14.96 are Far better guns in a
multitude of ways?

  • Re : What have better range?

    03. 26. 2010 03:40

i think the AD is better at wtfeasy mode. Mainly because its a small, speedy,
menuverable bb. It can get in range fairly well and it can hammer belt shots at mid
range while dodging like a mofo.

I prefer the bissy with the 11s. Its its an old school style NF configuration that
requires skill to stack some damage considering how ive only maxxed out a 16k
salvo with them.
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