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  • [Guide] How to Post Your Trades

    04. 18. 2010 02:43

I would like to take the time to make this post for the community so that we can have a
"How To Guide" on making
trade posts and what, and how to post your items for trade.


Section 1: Knowing the rules.

Yes, you guessed it, there are rules on trades. For those of you who don't know already
some of these rules are as

A) You are not allowed to transfer in any form, part or whole, your account for any
tradable items, which include but not
limited to, in game credits, premium items, gifts, and/or commercially tradable currency.

B) You are not allowed to sell or trade any in game sailors for premium items, gifts,
and/or commercially tradable

C) All transactions are final, and are only refundable upon agreement by both parties who
engaged in the trade(s).

Other rules can be found here in the forum, but these are the most important concerning
trades. Some common
knowledge rules are.

A) You are responsible for producing the items if an agreement for trade has been accepted.

B) You are responsible for taking screenshots of all transactions for archival (receipts)
as proof of the transaction.

C) You will not hold SDE, TNF or any representatives of SDE accountable for lost, or
stolen items due to
transactions you engage in.

If you follow these rules, you will keep yourself and others from suspicion of illegal
acts regarding trades.


Section 2: Know what you are trading.

What you should know is exactly what it is you are offering up for trade. For example know
what the proper stats are for
the sailor you are trading. You can use tools such as NF Calculator for such information.
Please note that there are some
sailors which can not be traded. I would like to refer to LordMichael's post for this

0. Original New Account standard sailors (ones with Yellow sailor names)
1. Bridge officers
2. Radiomen
3. Neutrals
4. Unclassed National (i.e. anyone who can become a Bridge officer)

Once you have determined which sailors you are wanting to trade you will need to create
some images to show. This
brings us to the next section.


Section 3: Creating Images for your Trade Post.

The correct code to use when posting your images are basic HTML codes. An example can be
found below.

Using this format can 100% guarantee a proper image being posted in your topic. In order
to get your sailors to be
uploaded you need to first screen shot them in game, which is easy enough. Just hit your
PrntScrn key and find the
folder named Screen Shots in your SDEnterNet/NavyField folder. In there you will find the
screen shot of your game.

To create individual sailor listings you will need to use a basic photo editing program to
crop the picture to the sailor(s)
you wish to upload. Next you will need to find an image hosting website to upload your
pictures from. The most
common sites in use are, and .

After uploading your pictures to one of these sites you can grab the direct link to the
picture and place it in the HTML
code for your topic.


Section 4: How to set up your post.

When creating your post you are presented with three (3) categories to alter. The first
section consists of what you
want to do in this topic. The second is for what server you are offering your trade at,
and the third is for what nationality
you are offering, or accepting.

Part 1: What do you want to do?

Pretty plain and simple. Here you can choose if you want to, Sell, Buy, or Trade.

Part 2: Where are you trading at?

Here you can choose what server you are offering your trade at.

Part 3: What nation are you offering, or wanting?

Here you can choose the nationality of the sailors you want to Sell, Buy, or Trade.

Part 4: How to write your post.

Create a catching title. What you want to do is make a basic title that will bring the
attention to the community saying,
"Hey this is what I have".

What should be included in your post? You basically want four (4) main parts of your post.
The specifics of what you are
selling, buying, or trading. What it is you want in return for the said item you are
wanting to sell, buy, or trade. An
image of what it is you are wanting to sell, or trade, and information on how a person
should contact you concerning
the trade.

The image only applies if you are selling or trading, as you can not really put a picture
of exactly what it is you are
wanting to buy per say.

So how should you write a post? You really want to make a post that is appealing to people
you are wanting to offer
your trade to. Images, and exact stats are key to getting someone to purchase your items
or accepting your trade.
Affordability is another thing that is attracting to potential traders. Placing items
higher than the expected margin will
more than likely not get many people wanting to engage in trade with you. You should also
avoid saying things such as,
"Will accept any offer.", "PM me with special offers.", "Not accepting credits." These
things will bring suspicion to you
and may cause an investigation to your post for possible illegal transactions.


Section 5: Conclusion.

In conclusion, keep your trade posts clean, and with as much information as possible. Once
you have posted a trade be
sure that when the trade has been complete or you wish to close the topic edit the name or
edit the OP to indicate that
the trade has been completed and is no longer active. This will prevent people from seeing
these open topics and
wanting to bid or contact you for information. Thank you for taking the time to read this
guide. I hope it helps you, the
community to post your trades more efficiently and safely.

Forum Moderator

PS. - This Guide is only offered in English until I can receive a correct, and proper
translation. Thank you.

  • Re : [Guide] How to Post Your Trades

    04. 20. 2010 19:36

Translations for Spanish and German are in the works. When they are available this
guide will be updated.

  • Re : [Guide] How to Post Your Trades

    04. 20. 2010 09:27

It seems like the mods have not locked it yet.

  • Re : [Guide] How to Post Your Trades

    04. 18. 2010 15:12

Reminder: Lock this thread =)

Great job in making this guide. Now there's no excuse for not knowing how to post stuff here.