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  • KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 05. 2010 17:42

Getting more KM ships in the ship tree.

I know, I know, they aren't necessary. But I think having variety would be great. More
ships to choose from, and upgrades/remodels don't necessarily have to be considerably
better than their predessessers, just a few levels higher and small upgrades here and
there, nothing significant. It would give more variety.

I know people have presented some of these ideas in the past, but they are all old and I
think revisiting them is a great idea. Anything to keep the game interesting/expanding
and keeping players in the game. We all love new ships to play with and try.

I'm a sucker for German Naval History so where possible I'd like to see historical ships
(not many exist to choose from though).


Mproject 2: with upgraded FCS and maybe a little more displacement... they could lower
the speed a knot to take in consideration the upgrade in FCS and durability). Only 3
levels higher or so. The Germans in WW2 had many design options for the M Project
class cruisers.

Admiral Graf Spee or Admiral Scheer: Upgrade to Deutschland of course.
They could maybe have a little more displacement and room for ammo. Probably not a
main gun or speed upgrade (perhaps AA upgrade?). Mainly another ship to add to the
tree and add a few levels to it (49 or 50?).

Blucher: Since there is an addition between Deutschland and Pproject on that side of
ship tree we should also have a go between on the Hipper line. Blucher was sister ship
to Hipper thus would be an very slight upgrade to Hipper (as it was in real life). Same
speed/main guns, slight increase in T slots?, durability and level 48/49ish.

As much as we'd all love to throw in the Tirpitz as upgrade to Bismarck I highly doubt
SDE would go for it, and we'd need to find another option on other line.. Opro 3 sound
funky. I'd be thrilled just to get more CL/CA's.

That brings up another question? Why did SDE make P Project earlier than O Project
when O comes before P in the alphabet? I'm pretty sure the German designed O, P, Q
Battlecruisers/ships would have been built O first then P. But perhaps I'm wrong.

Thoughs/ideas on the above suggestions...

With so many options available to other nations, having 2 or 3 more ships on the KM
line is not a bad thing.

If people can add to this we could maybe make a decent proposal to post in the
suggestion forum.

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 27. 2010 05:50

"Dland = lvl 45 maybe 46( to match hipper, lower gun lvl for Ns acordingly) will play
the same as now."

right... a ship that already surpasses Mogami CA (lvl 51) going for lvl 45.
Adding more ships to the line is a big nono, alot fo reasons were already said, and the
only supporting yours is the fact of pleading your sight, which can be fixed by getting a
new HUD by TBNF.

and why complain about lack of BBs in KM?? IJN are the ones to complain, since it only has
7, adding the BB6 and excluding the Ise rem (cause even if its considered a BB now, it
still behaves like a CV... a bad BB and CV) and KM gets 9.

and the CV argument is a moot point. they can have good variety, but they even arent the
best ones, of their tiers (maybe CV1 and CV2 may be the best)

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 27. 2010 04:52

I know this has been said but, your idea sounds like a waste of credits. Slight
improvements in this game game really don't impact you. Now maybe TNF could offer
paint schemes or new skins that would change the look of your ship cost in 10k
credit range but these new intermediate ships just aren't a good idea.

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 17. 2010 07:37

Thanks for ideas. Again my whole plan was to add variety and get some more km real ships into game. Most
are z plan. Dead pool... liked the idea. Blutcher was build as second ship of hipper class so I would be the lvl
50. Prinz Eugen was upgrade to hipper class and thus would be level 55. Sister ships to PE were seydlitz
which was stopped near completion and started to be turned into hybrid carrier Gunship but was never
completed. A fifth Hull was sold to Russia, was going o be called lutzow but was obviousl
y going to be named something else because of the deutschlands rename to lutzow.

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 16. 2010 20:25

"ok so maybe at first they might be a bit unbalanced, but we get this with the new nations
so it's no biggie"

Unbalance is always a problem

"wah wah wah buffz my ijn cvz wah wah wah"

Now how is this relevant?

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 16. 2010 20:12

wah wah wah buffz my ijn cvz wah wah wah

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 16. 2010 19:18

If you like to just play your top ships, ok, but some people likes the i see no
problem with addition of new ships, it will only makes things more fun...ok so maybe at first
they might be a bit unbalanced, but we get this with the new nations so it's no biggie

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 16. 2010 15:29

If you look at the number of ships on each line, uk has 13 ships on one line from dd1 to
bb6. The same for km. There is no need to add more ships to the line.

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 16. 2010 14:18

atm i would say that throwing in more ships is a good thing, yes ship lvls will need
work but this might help bring in more players too, aswell as make the lines more
interesting. also adding more ships would allow you to change current lvls and
maybe remove a remod or 2.

Dland = lvl 45 maybe 46( to match hipper, lower gun lvl for Ns acordingly) will play
the same as now.

GraffSpee = remod of Dland at lvl 50-51(or we could fit it like the MN bb1s do and
remod it to make the km bb1 on this line and replace the P2) would allow you to fit
the first set of 11Ls with 3 binds of ammo not 2, more health ( 1-2k more not much,
little more displace to accomodate the guns)

Ppro 1= lvl 55 ( on recent revision by playing it with my current crew i find its speed
too not help much when the distance between your guns throws your aim off) with
its fat body and all will play the same as now.

Ppro 2= lvl 60 (match scharnhorst but still fit into blitz) will be played the same as
now just maybe a gun change ( with nf being a little far from RL they couldent give it
an 11 quad? its the only ship that needs a single thats not a dd or cl)

line follows as normal

for the upper line:

AH= 45 keep it as is

PE= change to 50 change guns and such accordingly maybe lower health and disp
accordingly ( change 8in 2nd set lvls so L dosent fit with reasonable ammo)

Blucher = 55 give it 2nd set 8Ls with ammo space, more disp and health to be the
midpoint between scharn and PE

this would make the diff in ships about 5 lvls or so not 3

this is a thread to add ships into a line thats whole count = 30 ships ( including Ecl)
meanwhile the uk have 34 or so ( quick count on tree). doing this would bring km up
to 32. if this could be done the same can be done to other nations.

on the Moltke and AD i wouldent consider them part of this because some ppl arnet
willing to throw a credit card number or $$ at a game they have only played for
about a week or 2 ( the current shared exp can do it even without prem)

on the personal question speed dont mean much when you turn slower and have a
larger hitbox, also at lvl the ppro had worse spread similar speed and no real
benifits that the dland already had. add the fact that 11in guns (with Lhe) only do so
much more dmg than other nations 8s ppro was unenjoyable at best. ppro is also
one of the biggest torp and cv bomb magnets i have seen in blitz ( thanks to its
size). Also yes grinding can help train you, but grinding isnt most ppls defintion of
fun which is why we play.

gah wall of text :x

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 15. 2010 18:54

"i dont beileve this will fit 40 bbs into the line but will make grinding easier i think.
when i made the go from dland up i have so far used 2 hulls (dland lvl 47 to opro lvl
69) and my crews nearing 85... skiped Ppro cause i dislike the fatness :P. how would
you like to go 22 lvls ( about) in the same ship with a decrees in exp gained due to
hull type cap."

P Pro actually has a very different playstyle from Deutchland, it is faster and actually a
lot better than Deutchland. If you took a second to look at the ship tree you would see
that the ships go:

Deutchland (47) -> P Project (54) -> P Project II (60) -> O Project (69 or 70)

That means that you will never have to go more than 10 levels between ships

Now let's see if we add your ship

"Admiral Graf Spee or Admiral Scheer: Upgrade to Deutschland of course.
They could maybe have a little more displacement and room for ammo. Probably not a
main gun or speed upgrade (perhaps AA upgrade?). Mainly another ship to add to the
tree and add a few levels to it (49 or 50?)."

Deutchland (47) -> Graf Spee (49-50) -> P Project (54) -> P Project II (60)
-> O Project (69 or 70)

There is no point in adding a ship in literally every 3 or 4 levels, other nations have to
tough it out through their shiplines, such as UK which has 12 levels between renown and
repulse, and then another 13 levels between repulse and nelson (The lower level bb3).

Also keep in mind that there is a moltke as well as andrea doria

Why do you need to change ships so often? Grinding more at lower levels prepares you for
later levels. It's only a matter of about half a million exp. Next I'll watch you complain
about H44 -> Kaiser, which is about 20-40 million exp and 17 levels.

Also I must say that:

"how would you like to go 22 lvls ( about) in the same ship with a decrees in exp gained
due to hull type cap."

It's your own fault for not using the ships that are given to you along the way.

And I say it again:

Argument Invalid

  • Re : KM ship tree additions... just bear with me

    05. 15. 2010 01:00

Lol eradicator just got pwned by deadpool. Don't even try to deny it, with
your "invalid lolz".
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