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  • H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 25. 2010 16:50

Hi just curious on what the up grades are between the two. I know range but what
about speed? I use to hate the bizzy but i am really enjoying it now since i got my
head out of my ass and started to use the range better. The bizzy just has this
horrible turn force and was wondering does it get any better? Thanks

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    06. 03. 2010 05:41

only problems you have to worry about in the h39 is the firepower. other than that
its a great ship when played right

*use your range and shell speed*

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    06. 02. 2010 18:09

"However it can engage BB5 hit them and NOT take a hit, while the other BB4
have to wait for it to make a move"

Where does this come from? If you are refering to range thats BS. If you are refering
to tactics you could say the same for any other BB4.

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 27. 2010 22:50

depend on how many engies and how many vets on them, and their level.

so long as your base speed is 24 or 25 you have a correct setup gunwise, engine wise, and
armor wise (.2 belt and bulge)

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 27. 2010 17:20

OK here is another.....what setup is best for a BSM? I run with AA because
gets me more xp at times then my guns but besides that...I am only getting ~35 on
OH....should i take the AA off? Is my crew to large? Should I take some crew off? I
dont know what to do. Info please! Thanks

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 27. 2010 12:09

Bissy can OH at 42 way longer than the H39.

H39 cant keep it after 95, due to weight and that would mean not using AA on it, which is
a massive loss in my mind.

People complain it cant take a hit.
No it dont. However it can engage BB5 hit them and NOT take a hit, while the other BB4
have to wait for it to make a move.

Key to KM is avoiding damage, while optimising the one you inflict. If you have those two
down, the lower per shell damage doesnt matter that much as you twoshot almost anything,
and you are quite hard to hit, no matter the hitbox.

H39 and H44 can move in a fashion that makes them look as if they were dancing, not really
sure what side its going to bolt. Dont be fool by the massive hitbox, it can be quite

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 26. 2010 18:14

Play 10 big BB1-4 rooms, 8 times out of 10, towards the end, there will be more
H39s than any other ship left alive on both sides... And those same ships will
probably have the most attack too...

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 26. 2010 15:53

you are kinda of comparing a BB4 to a BB3....soo yeaa

in GB H39 would be nicer to have due to the increased range (obviously)

however in BB rooms, Bismarck performs better in BB123 rooms than H39 does in BB1-4 rooms
this is probably because bissy received such a huge buff from the patch while H39 is
basically unchanged

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 26. 2010 14:05

The 44, is almost the same as the 39. It can take like 1 more hit before SD is gone. A
+ I see from the 44, is the completely wicked AA battery.
Theres a debate of 16.5" vs 18", I personally prefer 18" because some reason, I find
them easier to play with. 40k Salvos is great (Though other nations hit harder.) You
just need to play a few games with both sets, once you can.
The 44 IMO, is the BB that needs the most fixing. More consistent shell damage, ect,
ect. You need to play this ship, the true KM .style.
The other gents have kindly posted the approx range advantages.

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 26. 2010 07:39

"H44 has about (-----) This much range over a Montana
Kaiser has about (-----) this much range over a H44"

Im sorry, but that is completely wrong.

H44 has maybe (--) at best over a montana
Kaiser has (-----------) atleast that much over an H44.

  • Re : H39 vs bizzy question

    05. 26. 2010 06:27

honestly i only find one problem with my h39
Its a big hitbox and can get 1 shotted by all bb5+ in game and i often do.
its 900 sd 3 reps 3 engys and 1 scout all sailors are at lvl 94-109 got the good
spread just get 1 shotted or crippled and finished off quick
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