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  • BB1 questions

    05. 26. 2010 18:54

ok im wondering how u guys got to bb2 and bb3 in the scharnhorst as i am having
trouble getting exp in it.
Hasley of UNF-AZ

  • Re : BB1 questions

    06. 11. 2010 19:01

thank you for all the tips guys!

  • Re : BB1 questions

    06. 02. 2010 10:19

in low level KM BB play you have to be very patient. kill small ships and use your speed
at the end to run down CVs. by striking larger ships you will gain more xp than by
attacking smaller ones. lots of ship time will get you threw the low level KM BBs. use
your speed to dodge and rush, that will be your key to getting to a BB2 where you can
really play.

  • Re : BB1 questions

    06. 01. 2010 15:51

Hit something. Leech XP. It's pretty much what every other BB1 has been doing for three

  • Re : BB1 questions

    06. 01. 2010 08:12

I too found the Scharn wanting. After giving it the old college try, I went back and used
my Moltke to lvl up to the Gnesinau.

Despite the obvious similarities, the Gnesinau is VASTLY more playable and really is
something to look forward to.

If you don't have a Moltke, just hang back, AA a lot, and drop shells on little stuff or
act as an anti-sub meat shield for the BB's.

  • Re : BB1 questions

    05. 29. 2010 02:54

Im Lvling my second km bb bo down the sharn lv im shure it suck's but its aa
powns if you know how to use it and km bb 2's are amasing [better than some bb3's even if
the 0Pro's better xD]

  • Re : BB1 questions

    05. 28. 2010 00:04

I know how you feel... I needed to take a month break while grinding to the Gnei,

As most people stated above, become a support ship. Protect other BB's with your AA (look
for L2's, Monty's, and other ships without AA to hover around).

What I do the beginning of every round is look for subs and where they are heading
(because getting sunk by a sub pisses me off so much that I go on a HH rampage). This will
allow you to avoid them, or to know that they could be in the area.

Scouts, fighters, bombers, locals, anything but friendlies shoot outta the sky!!! I can't
stress this more! (will also give you exp and credits)

Once in a while, a DD or CL might get close enough for you to fire at. As long as you land
some shells on them, you'll get an adequate amount of experience.

Now, BB's are another story. Remember, your ship doesn't have the best armor, and it's got
a pretty big hitbox... You do have good range, but if that BB is a 3 or above, you have to
be very careful. Even 1 salvo from a Bismark could cripple you. You have to plan this out.

Do you see any planes near you? If you do, either take them out or pull back.
Do you have enough overheat to strike and return without getting too damaged?
Will this ship remain scouted or is there a possibility you could lose him?
Does it look like it could be well armored? Look for 2 gun setups or know which ships to
strike with AP shells. (Usually not BB2 or below)

These are just a few things you have to ask yourself and make split second decisions when
playing KM. We all know how you feel (except those that took the easy way out :) ) but you
just gotta keep playing on. Remember it's just a game, you'll have 1 good game, and 5 bad
ones but remember KM ain't for the weak... Wait until you get your Bismark or H39. It'll
be a blast from there on...

  • Re : BB1 questions

    05. 27. 2010 19:58

attacking high level bbs will earn you extra exp

  • Re : BB1 questions

    05. 27. 2010 12:03

sharn is surprisingly good tbh.

Its range is closer to BB2 than BB1, and even tough it lack a stopping power, its quick
adept at finishing crippled target, or engaging stray target that dont expect it.

Key to it is either Ninja ship or support ship.

Ninjaing requiere you to master the game tactically, have a great reading of the battle
and finding weaknesses in the battle line you can use. Done good, with sharn speed I
sometimes found myself slipping past the line and shooting from behind THEIR line.

However if you are new, you might want to use the support ship tactic for now.

-Stick close to a BB45
-AA for it
-kill smaller stuff that comes in range
-Finish stuff the bb45 damaged.

While you do this, learn the BB basic, how to use your speed, ship movement to avoid
damage at best, etc and then, when you have a bit more experience in the game, you'll see
what a BB1 can do in the right hands with a smart mind behind it ;)

  • Re : BB1 questions

    05. 27. 2010 01:47

Dont bother shooting other BB2 above as you are NEW to this ship. Just focus on
supporting first. AA scout or bommers...

Make yourself not noticed for the first 5 mins. While other ships are focusing on the
Bigger BBs, then only you strike.

For sure, beware of any Subs, with your weak armor due to speed issue.... they will
sure enjoy you as a quick score. just view the battle ground (scout), and see where the
enemy sub are heading.

  • Re : BB1 questions

    05. 27. 2010 00:56

SCharn is excellent in killing DDs and CLs who stray along middle towards your team.
Also it teaches you how to make "Rush or NO rush decision".
Just like ppl said use light HE and 11" triplets and pound anythin that come close.In the meantime
use AA to kill planes.
Afther last patch you can stay close to flag ship,wait for plaines to AA them or DD to try to rush your
flag,and ultimatley to kill any SS that dare to surface near!
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