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  • Credits...

    10. 24. 2005 17:13

Perhaps make it a LITTLE easier for DD's with a nationality to get Credits..I hear all these storys about poor DD's and Millionaire Cl'sCV'sCA's etc... and it's just sad...

  • Re : Credits...

    10. 24. 2005 19:40

Good idea, I definately recommend it... It is hard to get Credits to purchase new ships and mounts, even with resale values, and everything. There should be some balanced way for new DDs to get credits, without completely throwing everything out of wack

  • Re : Credits...

    10. 24. 2005 18:42

Yeah. At first, it is hard to get credits, especially once you join your nation. Thats when you feel like you are really screwd and its extremely hard to get credits. It gets easier after a while though A LOT easier. MY advice, dont buy a nation ship till you have enough money for everything. The first time i bought a nation destroyer (z1) i had 50k and after putting everything on i was in a 863 credit debt >.< lsome ppl been its funny lookin back on that. Yeah, if your just starting a nation wait till you have enough to support yourself AFTER buying your ship. It will help a lot. Also, if you can use your olderships and skip buying some dd that suck although they are after your dd model, save for something better instead of buying it for the heck of it =)

  • Re : Credits...

    10. 24. 2005 18:29

So you're saying you're not very good at the game yet and you're losing credits? Trust me, we've all been there. Particuarly before the 1.6x credit was added.

I made a mistake a remodeled a lot when I was a noob and bought my Z1 as soon as I could. So many games with 1 turret...Boy, was that fun.

Just get better and the creds will roll in.

  • Re : Credits...

    10. 24. 2005 18:19

that still doesnt help, im mostly sunk with in 4 to 5 minutes after the start and get little credits. I like the idea

  • Re : Credits...

    10. 24. 2005 17:28

If you don't op convoy whore/switch your weapons, turrets, FCs, and ship around every other level, then you'll be fine.