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  • I got my BB3s.

    07. 05. 2010 15:06

This is not amusing -.- these KM BB3s are better than my IJN BB3s :(

Anyway, yesterday I've gotten my O pro 2, and I got my bismarck the day before.
So far, I havn't play the O pro much, but the bismarck is a very nice ship >.>

So far, I play bismarck like the nagato (with the 14.96" second set Ls), defensive
against BB4+ and when they're blind, I rush them...agressive against BB3- , keep
pushing them.

As for the O2, I play it fuso style, wait until they're blind, then head rush (I havnt
around to using AA on it yet)...
I'll post a little more about my play with O2 once I play it a bit more.

Am I playing KM right? or am I just failing to use KM's advantages? (I'll post my crew
if requested) (for those wonder about my CV crew if they read my posts in this
section before, I sold it for 60mil credits >.> )

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 27. 2010 21:46

It was AW. Thing with KM, they have great AP shells, but lousy gun angles for them.

AP work, but only at 28-30 (and at 28 its pushing it a bit) and not as much as a gun with
40+ angle would with AP.

When an AW ship gets under that you have 2 choice: Fall back to return to max angle, or
rush for belt (you start hitting it at 20 (some shells) and below normally. At 15 its full
belt shot)

First option if he has friend behind, or you have friend behind (get him in their fire,
and avoid being blown to bits by his). If he is alone, you might want to do the 2nd
option. Many AW are idiot and dont see it coming, and suddenly, your HE crash in their
belt for a nasty surprise.

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 25. 2010 21:08

Last time, I encountered a BB6 (QV) in bissy I didn't feel like 3 shotting it... 2 HE
salvo didn't do anything, 2 AP salvo didn't even scratch his paintjob...
I had to fall back coz a second QV was comin' , but a Nelson one shotted me. ><

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 19. 2010 12:10

1) Correct

2) o is for O-pro, b is for Bissy. Use the trip o L's.

3) Whether its a sufficient gain in speed or not at level you should not run only two
guns. You won't hardly ever be rushing until you can take hits so you'll need the extra
turret for line fighting.

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 19. 2010 12:01

1) Yes.
2) I don't remember which guns are "o" and "b". Just use the ones withe the longest reload
= longest range.
3) You can try it. But better thing would be level up / add expert (for eg AAing on Emden)
/ add vets on your engies.

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 19. 2010 05:43

I just got my O-pro II, and would like some advice (read the stickies- did a search, but a
lot of info seems outdated etc...).

1) Best Guns are the 3x 14"96 , correct?

2) Is there any reason not to use the o version of the guns, since from what I see, they
have everything the same with b version, with just lower reload (and a bit more cost/
space they take but this doesn't seem as a problem).

3) With 3 guns, I go 26/38 ( I have 4 engies but still lvl 67), while with 2 Guns I can go
28/41 (Like my O-pro I). Do you beliecve this gain in speed is enough for the loss of

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 19. 2010 02:26

tbh the goal shoulldnt been easy pwnage for any nation. They only need to give KM a shell
fix and it would be quite sufficient I think. Especially since I expect a BB5 patch would
nerf the L2 range, and slightly buff its speed.

Against monty, alsace and SY, its quite easy for a good H44 player to keep use its small
static range advantage, and use the ship movement and the lower max angle to create quite
a dynamic range advantage, and the accuracy gets good enough early enough to able you to
twoshot them, should the shell work all the time.

Fixing the 18" might also give quite a boost to the H44 at 110+, if we can count on a 45k
salvo. Might make it a bit OP tough.

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 18. 2010 19:23

now i hope they'd do the same for BB5 lol, make H44 over powered

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 14. 2010 23:25

the patched o2 is overkill.

44 knot, awesome spread, low angle, and it can take a beating.

Playstyle is closer to UK than KM i think. You can still linefight against bb3 and less,
altough way less effectively than bissy does.

Bismarck is more of a lineship. It can rush, but doesnt have the resilience of the O2 thus
better not have to take a beating to get in range.

Done on a blind and distracted target, it can rush quite well, sporting a 42 knot max
speed still.

Bismarck shines as it can go head to head on linefight with BB4 if you move well,
especially L1 and Richies. Its spread also allows it to nuke most at level H39 as their
spread will be meh with a good rush. Beware of iowa and yammy tough.

But point is, both can cripple in 2 shots any BB4+, especially O2, and 3 shots are enough
to kill a BB6.

They sport great at level spread, awesome range and quite the painful salvo.

BB34AA patch didnt balance KM. It overpowered it.

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 10. 2010 18:57

Did you know you can actually put enough deck on the O Pro II to bounce shells
fired by Lions? =)

Except you travel like a turtle soo....

  • Re : I got my BB3s.

    07. 06. 2010 05:36

OII is a very great BB3~ I just simply rushing in and out and score!
Bissy would have mind about keeping range however (compared with OII).

P.S.: once I use OII 1 on 1 with an AWed angle 29 LHE salvo made critics +
belt hits...booom!!!!
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