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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • CV Ship lines

    07. 20. 2010 17:15

Assuming i get a ship tree reset from the event, would it be a good idea to change
lines from kaga line to shokaku line?
I have a lvl 74 hiryu (almost akagi =D) and i thought should i use it on my IJN?
what are the pros/cons of the branches (besides variety on the first one)

*locked by lanthanide
see the cv guide at the top of the forums.

  • Re : CV Ship lines

    07. 20. 2010 20:29

The Kaga line used to be better due to Kaga remod being superior to Shokoku. After the CV
patch that has changed. The difference between lines though is that while kaga line is
more expensive, theres a smaller gap between ship levels meaning you will level faster.

  • Re : CV Ship lines

    07. 20. 2010 20:14

read the part of my guide stickied at the top of the forums where it tells the difference
of the lines, its in the middle. The guide is "IJN CV GUIDE"