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  • Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 07:20

So I started playing CV and have gotten to GZ. My BO is lvl 67 while my 3 fighter pilots
are lvl 60 (11/11 base no bve).

I keep getting pwned in fighter fights. So what do you guys suggest I do? Will ve
greatly increase my chances in shooting higher lvl fighters down? I want to get this
right because I don't wanna waste money and event prizes to ve my pilots, and still
end up getting pwned.

In any case, if there is no way I can provide fighter cover against other fighters, is there
anything I can do to help apart from shooting down scouts and bombers?

What did you guys do when your fighters were totally pwned by higher lvl players? =)

  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 26. 2010 00:51

You may be able to get a few nice fp kills if you see a furball going on by 2 high level
cvs. You throw in your fighters in the mix and they won't be targetted at first but
they will eat away at the enemy fps.

  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 20:05

Thanks guys! Learnt quite a number of stuffs already. =D

  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 19:49

"In any case, if there is no way I can provide fighter cover against other fighters, is there
anything I can do to help apart from shooting down scouts and bombers?"

Scout for your battleships. You would say that they all get shot down by the high level
pilots of the other team. Well, don't use them as fighters. Fly them and operate them like
scouts. Avoid the fighter groups of the other team. Go scout their battleline so your bb's
can shoot at them.

"What did you guys do when your fighters were totally pwned by higher lvl players? =)"

1. did what was explained after the - yes.
2. assisted the high level cv on my side by adding my fighters to his group.
3. loaded up my pilots in my bb and leveled them up pronto.
4. vetted them to the max.

Do the grind....... KM have the hardest hitting fighters.

  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 18:10

@OP and above
While it is true that your FPs will get pwned by higher leveled ones, it is not often
the case. I run around in my own CV with T2s since l lack just 4 levels for the T3s.
I'm UK mind you so I get scared when I see KM T2 & T3s in the air. High levels go
squat when I face KM. >.<

Then again, most of the high-leveled players are on Iowa (o.o)", so I do not think
this will be easy to grind. When in doubt, I check the CV's against me and go the
opposite way praying they don't follow. I wind up flag quite often, so there's my


  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 15:10

at your lvl there is no point in BVE your fts, although with the new patch it wont hurt
because no crew loss while they are in the air. it is a much bigger struggle for new CVs
to make the grind than it was when many of us started our lines. just be patient and try
scout as much as you can, and run your fts away from others if you need to, so you can
keep them alive, anyway, good luck

  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 10:39

Unfortunately, there's not much you can do when your fighters engage with opposing
fighters of a much higher level. More than likely, all your planes will die regardless of
what you do. To minimize your losses, refrain from engaging planes that you know are
of higher level. However, if your planes -are- caught, spam click in another direction to
get them to move away, then let go to have them circle back and -hopefully- take down
one or two enemies. Repeat this process as many times as you are able. If that's not
working, try drawing enemy fighters towards friendly AA, or drag them down to sea
level where AAW can have an effect.

Yeah, playing a low-level carrier is not fun.

  • Re : Fighters always gets pwned

    07. 25. 2010 10:08

Personally I levelled my pilots on PBB to 75 and T3 planes.

BVE them. Avoid engaging high lvl cvs fps and when you do engage don't let them circle.

Try to clean out scouts near your bb line but also move them around enemy fps and provide
scouting help and bomber interception.

However, keep in mind that your fps are lvl 60. There are alot of higher levelled fighters
out there. Luckily some of that leveladvantage can be negated by having your fps tightly
grouped and not circle. If they start to circle, double tap a few times so your planes
turn away from the engagement and then turn back in.