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  • The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    07. 30. 2010 13:33

I've played UK since early beta, probably just because it's easy mode, and that was
fine, but in the last year I've come to love KM ships and tactics. I switched to Nelson
server when it opened but had an H44 on YA/MO, and it was great fun.

Everyone says/thinks KMs advantage is range, and to a great extent it is, but I like
to maxx out my buldge and put on HHs. Bombers don't eally effect me, on any
server, so AA isn't that important to me. It's a hoot to kill every sub within range.

Anyway, in a BB2 now, it's all about tactics, as any BB 2 driver knows. You aren't
gonna go head to head with a BB 4/5/6 and win, ever, but you can sink them if you
catch them engaged with and equal BB on your team.

I get 2 shotted way too much, only because I have little patience, but when I do, KM
BBs can be a terror to all. Take the time to learn the KM line, and you won't be

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    08. 04. 2010 15:56

*enters topic*

Hi guys, I heard it was "Confession of the KM Food" here. I'm not too late for the show am I? there even a POINT to this post other than being a stellar exemple of the
KM Do-Not?

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    08. 01. 2010 17:52

lol i guess ill stick to my p proII and get my butt handed to me by splid and the rest
of the big gun community =P

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    08. 01. 2010 06:50

Why use bulge when SS will still go through it in one shot? Why slow yourself down when
you can go 51 with all guns AND aa?

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    08. 01. 2010 04:05

DS wins the thread.

You say range is a major part of the KM advantage. I agree. So why weigh down a ship that
can go 49 knots with a crapload of bulge it would not need in the first place if you kept
your speed up?
As for tactics, if you are the Nelson player I have in mind, you don't have any.

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    08. 01. 2010 02:06

My way is the correct way. Find me someone else who has got 620k in a Kaiser playing KM
differently, then find me someone else who has got 545k in an H44 playing KM differently
and I will concede there is more than one way to play KM.

Normally I am quite happy to keep myself reasonably to myself, but your constant whining
and grating about how you think you are the best player in the world and you know
everything, so much more than us mere mortals just makes me what to laugh.

Your constant "Waah Waah Waah, I do things differently and assume I know better than
people who have played this game for ages and have proved they can play this game." is
very entertaining. How about the next 128 player BB1-5 I host, you turn up in your H44
and play it how you want and I will turn up in my H44 and play it how I want and see what
happens. Game?

"Anyway, in a BB2 now, it's all about tactics, as any BB 2 driver knows. You aren't
gonna go head to head with a BB 4/5/6 and win, ever, but you can sink them if you
catch them engaged with and equal BB on your team."

This just proves the lack of knowledge. If you weren't proposing HHs on BBs you would
know that all you have to do is down all scouts in the area with your AA and then any BB2
can kill any other BB2345 or even a BB6 if they are incredibly lucky.

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    07. 31. 2010 12:23

Squid is so dramatic,

He thinks the way he plays KM is the only way. You get these folks in every game.

Play to have fun.

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    07. 31. 2010 03:00


  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    07. 31. 2010 00:56

using the 800 damage per shot 8" guns on the PE is so much more fun -.-

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    07. 30. 2010 23:17

"It's actually a somewhat useful setup on moltkes in GBs. If for whatever reason
over extended along a border and the enemy BBs have others to worry about, you
can do a
good amount of damage before they can shift fire. And even when they do, with
5.9s and super fast reloads, they tend to panic. I've gotten 3 BBs and heavily
damaged a
fourth some games."

Very true, however, unless you can get used to the 11's horrific spread quickly it
seems detrimental to the player to use them. However, if they are doing it for
giggles and have grinded with those 11 in guns for what seems like centuries, then
by all means have fun. Heck throw in some 5 barrel torp launchers too lol they have
a mean spread!

  • Re : The smart/patient KM players get the rewards

    07. 30. 2010 22:27

"You aren't gonna go head to head with a BB 4/5/6 and win..."


I went mano-a-mano against a fresh L2 in my OPro once, and we ended up killing each other
with our final salvos (obviously I played well and he played less so...).

Not a common occurrence but it can be done.

A truly skilled OPro player can really wreak havoc in this game.

Yes, KM can raise some Cain, so long as you don't get hit by anything...
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