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  • I <3 the H44

    08. 04. 2010 21:52

Lets all give the H44 some love!

I'm sick and tired of all the haters out there that can't play this ship. I've been
playing it a bit lately and loving it so much. Sure sometimes I get bent over, but that's
when i stuff up. It's so fun! I love every min in the ship, Well there is one or two I
hate. But then I get over it. Then me and my lovely H44 go and have a good round. I love
this ship. I can not wait till I get the Kaiser.

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 23. 2010 18:17

I don't get why hater non-KM players forum-whore other nations just to put them
down. H44 is an awesome ship if you learn to play it right. They just don't want you
playing H44 cause they get 'owned' by it. They're jealous, so be proud of your

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 23. 2010 12:04

haha torion. I dare you to face a real SY Player and Real L2 and Alsace player. And
we'll see that "H44 is the best"

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 23. 2010 11:59

The range advantage is really small. If your gunners are not far beyond lvl100 yet try it
and put H39 gun on to compare. Depending on spread you'll be surprised how small it
actually is. All other BB5 are in between that tiny difference.

For what it's worth, I enjoy the H44 more than I enjoyed the H39. Even with my at-level
crew and the resulting low speed it is more fun to drive for me. At this point I'm still
vastly inferior to hi-level SY and L2. But at least I now can hit them before they hit me
and when I do it hurts a bit - more than H39's ridicolously weak shells anyways.

The rather low angle and the awesome AA battery are the cool features imho. Everything
else is not particularly great to put it politely. But well, nothing stops me from
grinding my own USN/IJN crews (cba to do RN/MN).

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 23. 2010 07:21

Hens, it seemed u enjoy a 3-4mini dots range adv in compared with monty~

I just enjoy the 37 angle part.

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 23. 2010 01:27

KM means range and range is what i love, so i can also love H 44 ^^

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 22. 2010 22:44

Actually u would have hated it 3-4 months ago... Tested the Monty and H44 recentlly,
The H44 seems to hit harder and has better spread now... while monty is just the
oposite. SY and L2 remain the same....:s Monty is the crappiest bb5 now.

I hate ninja nerfs....And u will hate kaizer....moltke with 7.2 of deck bounces kaizer

I Hit a SY with all shells with monty and it survived....a year ago I remeber slicing trough
anything including AW L2's -.-". Now monty actually needs to use AP. H44 is awesome
monty and bb4 killer. And AW L2 are hard to kill with any ship exept L2's.

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 22. 2010 21:44

H44 is crap till ur crew is like lvl 115+ then its a god.

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 22. 2010 21:28

I don't know why you would EVER get a full broadside of a monty or alsace. That
should never happen if KM is played right. SY maybe but I've never taken one. L2 if
he's an AW may rush and get a few shots off but hopefully at that point you also
have backup and you switch to AP and 3-4 shots and he's done. The only thing I
worry about going against is another H44 that knows what he's doing (or BB6 but
that's obvious). In my opinion H44 is the best and most fun of the BB5s, if you truly
learn how to play it.

(Sure you can't take out a whole swarm of chargers but if you don't have teammates
to help with them then your team failed you, not the H44)

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 22. 2010 12:48

4 shells from Alsace and your SD's Already gone. A Full shot from SY gets you into
roughly 20-26k Life and a full montana shot does all the way too Half life and down
or if its just the Front your SD's Gone. 6 Shells from L2 your already in 20-24k Life.
Its Horrible at times. Why? When you get Rushed your Easy to Kill. Unless the guy is
goin less than 37 or your running full speeed straight. And You Full Broadside a
Montana/L2/SY it doesnt even hurt much.(I mean enough to keep you in the game.)
if its BB4 it hurts a Bit and you might have to rep for a Bit. And Dont even go lower.

Why love the H44? You can get taken down so easy. Your prolly hit Alsace a bit hard
if you fully broadsided him but he can kill you in 2 shots or 1.5 shots.

  • Re : I <3 the H44

    08. 19. 2010 16:07

I loved the H44 too. It was fun. It is however the worst bb5. BUT! It looks awesome
and feels awesome to be in such a huge ship with massive aa power. The reason I've
never got the L2 is because it's so god awfully ugly to me. Same with Alsace.
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