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  • The best MN AA ship

    08. 14. 2010 18:10

The algerie With 4 Quad AA guns. GA is 35.

Brought to you by R.I.P

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 11. 2010 23:53

Apparently you never played richelieu before. Alsace is the best against richelieu in
terms of Firepower and speed. Richelieu though ahs a much betetr aa armament and spacing
than the richelieu.

EDIT: The 3 guns in the back are supposedly the triple 6's the richelieu had in real life.
I jsut equip em with hedge hogs for submarine work.

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 11. 2010 22:19

Why does the Richelieu have 3 100 gun turrets in the aft?

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 11. 2010 17:51

Alsace is best, Richelieu aa sucks balls!

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 10. 2010 20:23

it wound be nice if they reduce the gun space and weight of the 5.1" quad, it really
heavy, even a ca can only bring 4 blind of shell

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 10. 2010 19:37

well that's the nature of something that spams fast and far. I think they also have some
nice hard hitting AA too, I'm not sure if they can fit on a BB although.


The Triple 6.1"s or the Quad 5.1"s can be mounted on the Alsace and the Richelieu with
a few binds of ammunition to spare. The only caveat is that certain R slots can mount
these powerful Anti-Aircraft weaponry.

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 10. 2010 12:16

well that's the nature of something that spams fast and far. I think they also have some
nice hard hitting AA too, I'm not sure if they can fit on a BB although.

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 09. 2010 02:32

go try to shoot down all fp that above u with mn aa, u will find out that the damage
of the aa with longest range for mn is suck. u only good for kill scout, even u may
need like 3-5 shot to shoot down the scout

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    09. 03. 2010 22:35

Agreed except I think that the Richelieu is the most versitle BB in the game.

Great AA. MN has very good long range AA guns. Just add reload gunners.

Great ASW: Since 1 gunner is not needed you can mount Hedge hogs and/or AA. You can kill subs
very well running away b/c of the rear firing mounts. If you have 2 sets of gunners you can ASW and
AA very effectively.

Decent bb4 guns: You can AW it with the BB3 guns or SW it with BB3 or BB4 guns.

I actually enjoyed the Rich more than any other BB I have played in quite a while. Especially racking
up sub kill after sub kill.

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    08. 15. 2010 00:53

The best AA ship is the Richelieu. Ive used it and in my opinion has better coverage than
an Alsace. Thats just me because i had more fun aaing in my Richelieu than my alsace since
18.89 is so dam fun.

  • Re : The best MN AA ship

    08. 14. 2010 22:07

MN moltke isn't in game yet, so techniqcally it's not the best MN AA ship. When it is in
game I'd say it'll take everything outta the air. No plane will have a snowballs chance in
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