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  • Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 19. 2010 15:27

I'll be unlocking the H44 here shortly, and with as much fun (serious) as I had with
the H39 I'm looking forward to it. (Please spare the negative comments about H44,
I've already heard them all)

But I just dusted off my Bismarck for a BB123 battle and I come back to the
realization that it has the damage output of a wet newspaper. It has range, sure,
but BB123 battles aren't about shared exp (which I am not a fan of, either, but that
is something else) and sticking to range advantage I find it hard to get much more
than 20-30k damage, granted I take little or none. The only reason I keep it around
is for these matches, but even in them I don't get much out of it.

This brings me to the question: should I retire my Bis? Just looking for opinions :)

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 22. 2010 14:37

First something you got wrong:
firepower importance is bigger in shared xp, while the range importance is bigger in rooms
like bb1-3
and bissy not only has the best range of all bb3, it also has a great firepower(i
realy hope ur using the 14.96),and has great AA...
I'm sorry, but if you have a bb5 crew on a bismarck and having trouble scoring 30k attack
than your doing something seriously intention isn't to flame, but an at lvl
bissy can very easly score 50k+ battles, realy

If you are complaining about bissy, just try has less range, about same
firepower, worst spread, crappy AA and is just as fragile and has a shell hang time of
just a bit over 5 seconds, with a 43 degrees gun...and it still is a nice ship

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 22. 2010 12:50

Bissy = One of the Best BB3
When you use it again with lvl 105+ H44 crew you'll see why we love bissy.

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 15:08

Player error.

The BSM, IMO, isn't the best BB3. You can't fire nine shells of 14.96", swing to avoid shells, kill a scout, and
hop back in range for another salvo four seconds later. The O2 is the NF BB3 incarnation of Chuck Norris mixed
with a black person about to miss a deal at KFC and Optimus Prime. It has no equal.....

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 12:39

Why get rid of the Bismark unless you have to?

I kept a Z99 in the barn for years until I finally ran out of room. I have H44 and still
keep both my O2 and H39 (I did dump my Bismark, however, because IMHO OPro2>Bismark).

Don't dump it unless you must. Both KM BB3 are fun ships. Just because you have leveled up
doesn't mean you can't still enjoy them.

Personally, I find the BB3's more fun than the BB4/5...

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 09:14

"Well, to be fair there are at least 5 BB3 that do better damage. That is if they get in
range. "

If you managed to get into range of them you failed in scouting. And 3-4 UK 14"N turrets
do have more damage, but have massive weight and range deficits, not speaking of the
extreme slow reload compared to the km guns.

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 08:29

I just dusted my Bismark off, and it is still my favorite KM ship. With a level 115
gunners, it comes pretty close to block-shotting with the 14's (as close as a KM BB can
with the right guns). I took it into two or three GBII's, and managed great games. I can
only imagine how well it would do with the same crew in a BB1-3.

Keep it.

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 08:02

""""""Well, to be fair there are at least 5 BB3 that do better damage. That is if they get
in range. """""""

it's not the size, it's how you use it:D


  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 04:35

Well, to be fair there are at least 5 BB3 that do better damage. That is if they get in range.

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 03:47

I find it hard to get much more than 20-30k damage

Practice, practice, practice.

This is obviously the drivers fault, as the Bissy is the best BB3 there is. And dmg is,
in fact, one of its strong points.

  • Re : Retiring my Bismarck

    08. 20. 2010 03:17

are you using the 11" guns? otherwise its not possible to do that low amount of damage
with the bsm.
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