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  • Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 19. 2010 15:44


Could someone please post a picture of the Richelieu that shows the sailor slot setup on
the ship?

Thanks in advance.

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    09. 03. 2010 23:14

Let me refrase what elliot said....It is the worse BB4 in the game, or a close tie between

Hits less then H39, but more then vanguard. Has L1 range and Iowa speed with fat
crew with less shells then all others and with a slighly more superior AA then yamato.

your underranged, low firepower and worse of all you run out of shells quickly... not to
metion low reload speed guns and with at level crew you shoot like a shotgun.

AND the speed doesn't even make up for all these flaws. L1 can reach 44 knots easilly
with fat crew, richeliue can't with a high level crew unless you cut all the sailors.

yup crappy indeed....

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 29. 2010 23:43

Lvl69 Paris: 12 sailors
Lvl79 Strasburg: 11 sailors
Lvl89 Richelieu: 12 sailors.

actually it should be more like 11/11/12/13(alsace)/14(BB6)

BB2/3 on all lines get the same amound of support sailor slots except for the MN

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 28. 2010 19:44

Whenever that happens 14 sounds about right.

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 27. 2010 16:39

14 for BB6

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 27. 2010 12:14

Lvl69 Paris: 12 sailors
Lvl79 Strasburg: 11 sailors
Lvl89 Richelieu: 12 sailors.

Shouldn't it be 11, 12, 13, and keep 13 on Alsace?

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 25. 2010 12:24

Honestly i Run 4 Engies and 4 Reps. no AA gunners, but i use my rear gunner to actually
control the rear T slots with AA, seeing as that is a majority of the AA and you can still
fire forward with it. Really Useful for leveling all of your supports with your Gunners/BO

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 25. 2010 12:08

"Sry i dont have picture, but im too lazy of buying a richelieu again just for this, since
it is the worst BB in the game"

i don't have richelieu yet, but i really doubt it is the WORST BB in the game.

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 24. 2010 21:12

^^ its not that bad i find it easy to break 100k with at level crew.

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 23. 2010 17:37

I didn't like Richelieu aa enough to run with it after level ~92 of grinding. I went with
2 reps on T slots, 1 BO, 2 main gunners ( 1 in front slot that controls the guns, with
one in back slot that does nothing), 5 engies in support slots, 1 rep in support slot,
and 1 scout in support slot.

With aa: 1 BO, 2 main gunners, 2 aa gunners, 4 engies in support slots, 2 reps in
support slots, 1 scout in support slot.

Sry i dont have picture, but im too lazy of buying a richelieu again just for this, since
it is the worst BB in the game.

  • Re : Richelieu sailor slots

    08. 20. 2010 10:33

Nope, one gunner is needed to control the main turrets, the sailors named "reload" is for
aa. The gun slot spot is bugged, leading to confusion.
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