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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What crew for mah SS2?

    08. 24. 2010 07:39

Okay, so currently I have everything required for an SS1. On that last optional slot, I
put an engy. He's not high level or anything, so idk if he's just adding dead weight.
Either way I'm sure if I removed him the speed of my SS wouldn't change by much.
So, I just want to know, how many slots does the Junsen have, and what I should
make for the Junsen. I was thinking a repair person and a seaman. Is that good?
Well, I currently don't have either, so I'll have to train. Since my engy is lvl 39, should
I just throw him out and start training my seaman(or repair)?

  • Re : What crew for mah SS2?

    08. 24. 2010 22:49

For your SS2 3 and 4

BO Striped down to 1 Recruit (never add Recruits)
Planesman 15 or 16 Elite
Sonarman 15 or 16 Elite

3 Engines (one will be in Support/ two on T Slots in the SS2 - two/one on the SS3 -
three/zero on the SS4

2 Torpedomen used until SS4 When you only need 1.

Then One extra for the T Slot when you get to the SS4 or earlier if you go with no Rear
Torps - I like a 11Repair/12RESTORER Or a SS Seaman with High Repair Restore Engine for
the SS or move a CV Seaman over to the SS if he has good Rep Res Eng in addition to High
Fight and Bomb for the CV.

Anyone else agree or disagree? Always learning.

  • Re : What crew for mah SS2?

    08. 24. 2010 18:14

I used to put my seaman on my ss4. Not really necessary/not really helpful. A third engy
or a good repy/resty would be better

  • Re : What crew for mah SS2?

    08. 24. 2010 17:51

Waddya know thats what I did with me BO.
So engies, k. Guess I'll start training one now.
Just some other guide said a seaman would help with the lack of crew...

  • Re : What crew for mah SS2?

    08. 24. 2010 13:49

FOCUS ON YOUR ENGIES!!! I can not stress that enough. The extra support slot on the
ss4 SCREAMS third engy. But seriously 2 torpers (rear doesn't HAVE to be as big since
you lose him on ss4) 1 planesman (absolute necessity) Kill ALL your BO's recruits and
most of hist experts by rolling for vets. Around lvl 65 boost your engies to get the most
out of it. Sonarman is nice to have but not absolutely necessary you'll want it if there
are more than 2 ss in a battle though because it will save you from getting wiped off
the map because of another ss2-3 (ss4 have a fairly large range of sight so it might not
help with that). But seriously ENGIES!

  • Re : What crew for mah SS2?

    08. 24. 2010 12:53

Just....... Fine I'll be nice.

Keep your Engineer. Train 2 more Engineers.

My IJN SS4 can do 40 knts with i believe 2 of my engineers on. Maybe 3 i don't play the
over powered ship.

So to recap 2 Torpers 1 BO 1 sonar(Not required) 1 planesman and then how ever many
Engineers you can fit.