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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 24. 2010 15:14

I don't know why, but with the Fubuki and 3 depth charges, I can blow up a CA (WITH BULGE)
in maybe..12 seconds.

Am I just really lucky, or are IJN DCs really strong?

If you want me to, I can (hopefully) record me killing a ship with DCs.

  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    09. 02. 2010 15:49

ya depth charges really powerful

  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 29. 2010 23:47

All DCs in general are really strong from what they orginally were.

This is a good setup if you are going to use DCs on a DD. Put all the DCs on a DD
say simakaze when you get it. You spread out the DC ammo like 34/33/33 = 100
total. Then you skeletonize crew or just have 1 high level engie with a skeleton bo,
and light weight capped out torpers. Then go in battle and set it to gradual firing
and set it firing fast/exploding fast. When you get close a to ship/sub you want to
kill, spam the space bar as fast as you can, you will die along with whatever was
around you. Its hilarious to see a sub die on the surface due to surface dmg dcing.

  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 29. 2010 20:17

i use it DC when i was low lvl DC is good for dds and ca's but when you lauch it its like
you suiciding...

  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 29. 2010 19:58

I'm using the premium hedgehog x 7 launchers on a dd01. I can 1 shot anything in blitz.
ANYTHING. Even a county that was armored who said he'd be fine died to the volley. Lol.

  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 24. 2010 16:45

I'm using DC's in blitz, ships seem to die really fast...

Two dead ships (excluding myself) and 10-15k damage...yay.

  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 24. 2010 16:36

a CA?, pff prolly with 100 SD or something...

however killing a FF or DD is posible regardless what crew they have on or how
much SD....IMO I do it all the time...if subs are not close by to hunt them....un-
fortuntly I all so kill my self offten :p


  • Re : Killing ships with...DEPTH CHARGES?!

    08. 24. 2010 15:22

All DCs are like that to an extent. (Though the IJN ones moreso) Mind the self-damage.