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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • August 26 Major Patch

    08. 26. 2010 10:08

OK Big Patch today with new
AirCraft Screens
New Aircraft Fuel Gauge in Battle
New IJN Aircraft
Faster Loading Times for DB and TB
Bigger Gun Space for and Displacement for new EBBs

And lots of other things that I may have missed.

There also was a last update about Pilots working with Planes.
What is that all about? Have Pilots experience rates changed for IJN?
Does the change effect Classing of Fighters as recommended by Adalbert?

Please add things I missed and Comment how it affects IJN.
I will edit this screen as you share updates and comments.

What does it all mean?


  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 27. 2010 03:37

The IJN T4 don't have the Mustangs' firepower but they are a bit more durable. They aren't
bad. There are worse T4 out there.If you micromanage a lot you can eve kill some T4s with
your Sams.

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 27. 2010 01:51

lvl100 for t4 fp and no new tb or db(i think)

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 27. 2010 01:11

So the Karuna can mount 16 Ls the Nagato Set now?

The Ki's are Tier 4 Fighters? What levels? Any new TB or DBs?

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 26. 2010 20:51

can anyone tell me how ijn fighters stand when compared to others now?
i heard lot of negative things

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 26. 2010 20:30

Just played a few games with Ki's and they did just fine against mustangs.....the low
sight range is REALLY annoying though.

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 26. 2010 20:09

Sir.. the Bomber ability in Fighters are useless now.. so the Elites are better than
everyone now.

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 26. 2010 19:10

XP rates for pilots shouldn't have changed. Classing advice probably hasn't either. (In
any case, given that IJN has no fighter squadron leaders, this is a largely moot point)
Fighter effectiveness for IJN is probably lower, but I'd take a wait and see (and test)
attitude on it. IJN bombers may be somewhat better now, but see above.

  • Re : August 26 Major Patch

    08. 26. 2010 10:25

Also you are able to use nagato lvl 82 L guns 16" (with 2 binds of ammo) on the
haruna. Also it is still able to use mikasa guns as well. This is pretty fun to play
around with.