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  • admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 27. 2010 01:06

whats ship is better the AH or the deuchland?

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    09. 02. 2010 11:58

If u have high level or EBVE gunners, use Dland, if not then use Admiral Hipper. Dland's 11" gunz
have extremely bad spread in the beginning but later it is fun to use that ship and it also has more T
places than AH.

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    09. 01. 2010 13:07

Duetchesland! why do you think i use it even though i have h39 fool!

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 31. 2010 09:53

i prefer the line of deustland.. but admiral is better tham deust.. and prinz eugem.. the
remodel too

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 28. 2010 07:21

request a lock to this topic, since it's being discussed via stickie.

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 28. 2010 03:58

Ive tried both and liked both as well, here is what I can tell ya.
The DLand is hard from the start, but later on it is a breeze and dominate a battle, I
won in a blitz fight once and killed off the rest of the enemy fleet when one of the
last victims said "no fair." I just laugh and ended the game with 40k damage tally, it
was the best, but after that, it takes mad skills to get that mark again though.

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 28. 2010 02:53

i did both lines, it all depends on your gunners, if u have higher level gunners
than your bo (15 levels i'd say) go D-land path,
hitting with at level gunners is very hard in the distance for the shotgun spread.
apart that i love P-Pro 1. it's the best Ca in game for AAing (it sports 5 AA firing slots,
with km40, yes u read well, it means it has more AA than a Bismarck.)

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 27. 2010 09:24

The better CA line hands down is Dland. Dland leads to PPro which is the best normal CA in
the game.

Since Guns are an obvious reason for being better lets look at the other reasons.

-Dland/PPro have mutch better firing arcs then Hipper/Prinz for the tslots.
-The Dland's slimmer size makes it easier to dodge with. The PPro1s range makes up for its
larger size.
-The Ppro has the best AA for any normal or premium CA.
-The Dland and PPro have a much better spread then the Hipper/Prinz
-IIRC Dland and PPro can carry more scouts then Hipper/Prinz
-Dland has less useable displacement then Hipper/Prinz which means it is harder to fit a high
level crew on. PPro dosnt have that problem.

Now to look at the BBs in the line since that is more important then CAvCA in the end:
(Hipper line is Scharn->Gneis->Bismark / Dland line is PPro2->Opro1->Opro2)

-PPro2, O1, and O2 have much better firing arcs for AA then Scharn, Gneis, and Bismark
-Scharn has more firepower then Ppro 2
-O2 has more firepower then Bis
-Bis has the best range of all BB3s (not counting 11") but the range advantage over O2 is
very slight
-Bis guns nearly block with good gunners
-O1 and O2 have a slimmer profile then Gneis and Bis making dodgin easier
-O1 and O2 is faster then Gneis and Bis (Cant remember scharn v PPro2)

Overall my favorite shipline of any nation is the KM Dland route.

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deuchland= which one is better?

    08. 27. 2010 08:50

Yeah- level a BO for each line.

In a leveling sense, I prefer the AH because it leads to my favorite ship in the game
(Bismark), but it gets to be a boring grind. Toss some AA on it and you can level quickly
and get some experts (as well as help your team) in a GB1-2 setting; the 8" guns are also
pretty solid against surfaced subs.

The D-Land is a blast, with its larger guns capable of farming blitz. With higher level
gunners, it is capable of doing some solid damage in GB's. Leveling two BO's will allow
you to get your gunners and support crew to higher levels than your BO (which is handy in
the larger BB's).

Both ships can mount decent AA, and are capable of scouting. Both of these are valuable
skills to learn, and contribute to your team in any game type.

  • Re : admiral hipper vs deutschland= which one is better?

    08. 27. 2010 01:20


This isn't necessarily an "or" question. Level 2 BOs and go down both lines.

The Admiral Hipper would do does against DD/CL, while the Deutschland does better against
CA/BB/CV. The stickied thread also has some good info.