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  • Might be a stupid Idea But...

    10. 24. 2005 22:15

2 Thoghts, first why not have a way to "observe" battles or OP's while the room is closed just to see what's going on like entering a room that has been closed after a battel has begain.
No. 2 say if your in a clan why not have a Credit or Exp. pool that is passive for example if you make say 5k exp. and/or credits why not let a small % of that go to the good of the clan like 0.5% of the 5k (or less) think of as "Tives" (don't know if I spelled that right) I think the benifits would be awsome for right now there is not a real benifit to be in a Clan i.e. no moddifiers of any type and most people have to pay to get in a clan anyway so why not do it in a way that promotes team/clan co. op's. another funny thing is that this might be a way for the *now unactive Ship's Accountant to be used, disstribution of credit's or points would be done by the Head Clans man or one of his 2nd's i.e. lieutenants.
Just a Thought, now let the flameing begin!

  • Re : Might be a stupid Idea But...

    10. 24. 2005 23:15

First idea is cool. Although what would happen if 600 people were to watch an already huge (64 vs 64) battle? Would it lag? I don't know. Would someone more knowledge say something?

Your second proposal...maybe not something passive. That'd punish working hard. The more you work, the more you get taxed. But maybe some sort of donation center? Then the leader/underlings could distribute the funds as required? Then again, why not donate directly to the leader and have him give out the cash? No coding required there.