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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN KAmakze Bomber's

    10. 08. 2010 12:51

Wouldnt it be Greate to introduce JApanese KAmakazi bomber's

THis game is sorter based on NAval Warfare and KAmakazi Bomber's where sorter
part of NAval warfare against America and Britian.

They can do alot of damage but have large plane space.

For instance it can do 4500 DAmage but plane space High lets say 500 per plane.
but the planes also have very weak defence.

Wouldnt it be awesome!!

  • Re : IJN KAmakze Bomber's

    10. 08. 2010 15:55

^ Probably hundreds of times. Locked, search in suggestions next time. Although
SDE has said its not happening anyways.

  • Re : IJN KAmakze Bomber's

    10. 08. 2010 15:36

This has been suggested before...