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  • SS supports Q

    10. 31. 2010 02:18

Will my lvl 120 engies and 1 rep do fine in my SS3 or affect my speed? Any disadvantages?


  • Re : SS supports Q

    11. 18. 2010 15:21

thx for the help guys

  • Re : SS supports Q

    11. 18. 2010 10:42

I think you dont know how many sailors slot are in SS3

There is only 3 slots for support guys.

Is for that fact that other posters say "You can have only one engy"

Engys DONT WORK IN Guns (R) slots or Torp (T) slots: Only in supports slots (in any ship)
and in BO slot (only in premium ships).

Remember that sub speed is caped (not so OHTime) at 40 knots so a 120 engy probably will
be overcaped.

For ahead weight calculation just take {6% x number of sailors "in a sailor"} in tons

  • Re : SS supports Q

    11. 11. 2010 13:16

The best sailors for SS are:
1 Br. Operator
2 Hvy Torpedos
1 Planesman
1 Sonarman
1 Support (could be enginer, repair or restore) I recomend you enginer
and the other splot colud be a gunner, or use other soport (1 enginer)

  • Re : SS supports Q

    11. 05. 2010 10:05

Ok 1 more time

you can only use 1 engy on the ss4(unless you ditch your planes or sonar)

next you will need 2 reps, no ghosting is needed unless your torpers/planes/sonar
are in the 100+ range

I personlay run mine

1 Front torpers lvl 80
2 gunners lvl 120
1 rep lvl 115 (Back Torper spot)
1 Eng lvl 117
sonar/ planes lvl 80

and i still have a good amount of space

  • Re : SS supports Q

    11. 01. 2010 17:30

Of course i have a sonar and planes on, lvl is a bit higher than its teir SS. You aint a
sub if you dont have those 2 important crew. Im planning to have 2 120 engies + 1 120 rep
for the SS4 and im not pretty sure they will really fit so maybe removing recruits will do
the job. Longer OH over Speed? which is better then?

btw, thx for the response guys.

  • Re : SS supports Q

    10. 31. 2010 20:07

you can only use 1 engy on the ss3(ss4 too), unless you are planning on not using
a sonar or planes

  • Re : SS supports Q

    10. 31. 2010 10:16

You won't see much with the repair.

  • Re : SS supports Q

    10. 31. 2010 09:58

if for some reason ur not running gunners (i do, every sub deck gun ive used is
pretty good) then u should have a rep on that slot and an engy in the 1 open
support slot. And yes, your lvl 120 will affect speed if u can get him to fit. Mine (level
72) makes my sub go 28/34 (ss3) and hes ghosted, if urs fits ull probably have
similar results but with longer OH times.

  • Re : SS supports Q

    10. 31. 2010 06:31

What about planesman & sonar?