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Royal Navy


  • DUNKERQUE dunno how to spell it :S please help!!!

    11. 05. 2010 06:53

Ok so I have the UK Dunkerque and it only needs 1 gunner ;( so im worried dat my 2 gunners
might have seprate levels. like one is leveling and one isnt? but yes we all know i can
just load the xtra one on the top part of my ship? i dont know wat u call it but u put
some there to level it? but the question is... if i put it there... does it get the same
exp? as the one that is loaded in my ship's gun?

  • Re : DUNKERQUE dunno how to spell it :S please help!!!

    11. 15. 2010 15:29

Fully agree with firezmissiles. And in case of doubt, you can always swap by day or so. It
won't matter anyhow.

  • Re : DUNKERQUE dunno how to spell it :S please help!!!

    11. 05. 2010 11:07

My comment? Whoever answered your support ticket it clueless. It doesn't matter
where you put the gunner, either "support slots" or "gun/torp slots", the gunner will
gain the same experience.

  • Re : DUNKERQUE dunno how to spell it :S please help!!!

    11. 05. 2010 09:29

well i also contacted support and he said something like

"as long as you DONT PUT IT in SUPPORT SLOTS they should be getting same exp"

so does that mean if i put it on "TOP" a.k.a SUPPORT SLOTS? theyre not getting the same
exp? well its either you posters/repliers are right and the support guy is wrong? or vise
versa.... any comments?

  • Re : DUNKERQUE dunno how to spell it :S please help!!!

    11. 05. 2010 08:46



  • Re : DUNKERQUE dunno how to spell it :S please help!!!

    11. 05. 2010 07:23

Both get the same xp.